Surprise - 7

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It was quickly Monday after a long weekend, and Shiromi and I were parading our new affection all around the school. We frankly didn't care who had anything to say and who was wanting to know anything. It was obvious. We came to school earlier than the rest of the council members to get a bit private time. We couldn't really have it at each other's houses because of our parents, so the council room was the next best thing. We were making out when all of a sudden, we hear Aoi opening the door and the look on her face was absolutely priceless.

"Do you not have homes you can do this in?!"

We stopped and looked at her and laughed. Shiromi explained why we couldn't do it at home and she got her pepper spray, ready to do her rounds. I straightened out my uniform as Shiromi blew me a kiss and left. Aoi cleared her throat and looked at me.

"So, It's finally official huh?"

I nodded my head, smiling.

"Well, I'm uh...Happy for you...I don't know if I made it obvious but, I was really into you. I wanted to give you some time to get over Raimu, I guess I'm too late though. Which I'm okay with 'cause I really do value Shiromi and I's friendship, and I don't want to even try to compete for anyone she's clearly trying to pursue or is pursuing. So, are we cool?"

I hugged her and replied with an "Of course."

She smiled and went off to do her usual and I did the same. It was eventually time for class and Yui kept teasing Shiromi and I and it was an overall fun class period.

Shiromi gave me a long kiss before heading off to patrol.

Shiromi's POV:

I did not expect to see her again but I did. You would think after she embarrassed herself at Akademi, she wouldn't show her face again, but she in fact did.

She smirked at me like she knew I was going to freak out seeing her.

"Miss me?"

"Why are you here?" I replied.

"I came back! I got my act together and I came back, I figured you would be happier to see me, now where's my beloved Daishi?"

"She's not yours anymore Lime. If I ask the counselor and I find out you're trespassing, we're going to have issues."

"Go ahead and ask her. And is she yours now? The whore couldn't wait to go after you huh?"

I balled up my fists. I'm not going to sit here and let her talk about my girlfriend like this.

Daishi eventually came, hearing word from someone that Lime was back.

"Babe are you-"

She stopped in her tracks at Lime and looked down.

"Nice to see you again babe."

"I'm not your babe." Daishi clapped back.

"So you moved on right after I transferred huh?"

Daishi sighed.

"No Raimu, I waited months before even showing Shiromi I liked her. If I still decided to be torn up about our breakup, her and I wouldn't even be together right now. More frankly, if you didn't cheat, her and I wouldn't be together. So I guess thanks for bringing us together. Because of your fuck up, me and Shiromi are happily together."

Raimu was seemingly angry.

"I wouldn't have kissed Tiru had you not been a whore!"

I looked at Daishi and she was pissed.


I looked down, rubbing the back of my neck.

Raimu scoffed. "You're literally a prune, you wouldn't fuck her,  you wouldn't even fuck me."

"Because I wasn't comfortable around you!"

Ayano and Yui heard all the commotion around the corner and stepped in.

"Lime, don't you think you caused enough issues? Don't try to fucking come back here ruining a perfect couple." Scoffed Ayano.

"You guys do not get where I'm coming from, as soon as I was out of the picture, she went after Shiromi like that."

Yui then got in Lime's face. "That's where you got it all fucked up. My friend here was crying over you hurting her for months! You clearly weren't concerned for her well-being so, we told her it's best she moves on to someone who will be a good fit for her, I barely fucking know you 'cause we've barely had interaction but you're making your first impression look bad. Leave these two the fuck alone and stay out of their way or else Raimu. You don't have any type of authority over any of us. If I hear or see you fucking with her OR Shiromi, I'll snap your fucking neck in two."

Lime backed up and walked away. Taking Yui's threat seriously.

Daishi and I thanked her as well as Ayano and she told us we didn't have to thank them for being a good friend.

Daishi's POV:

I didn't know how to feel seeing Raimu again. I thought she was gone for good. She couldn't have transferred back though...She didn't even have on the proper uniform! She was clearly just fucking with us. Shiromi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay babe?"

I nodded and hugged her.

"I think I'm going to ask the counselor if Raimu got re-enrolled, maybe ease my mind knowing an instant answer."

"Good idea, 'cause I'm honestly wondering the same."

I gave her a tender kiss before heading over to the counselor's office.

Once I made my way in, she looked up asking, "What can I help you with Daishi?"

I sat down in her chair. "By any chance, could you tell me if Raimu Ichijo is re-enrolled at Akademi?"

She got up to grab some files from the file cabinet and looked through Raimu's folder. "No, she actually left the school with no explanation from her mother but, she's enrolled at another school at the moment. Why do you ask?"

I told her how Raimu was here earlier, trespassing and that seemed to have upset her.

"Oh, that's not okay. Is she still on school grounds?"

"Not that I know of."

She smiled. "Well thank you bringing this to my attention. I'll be sure to notify the faculty to ask her to leave if they see her on school grounds."

I nodded my head and gave her a thank you, before leaving her office to patrol my usual spots before eating lunch and going to class.

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