Finally - 6

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It was the weekend and I was so excited. I was packing to go over Yan-Chan's house when Mayako came into my room with a huge grin on her face.

"What's the big grin for?" I asked, stopping my packing.

"A little birdie told me that you and Shiromi are finally an item! I'm so happy for you sissy! You deserve this."

I smiled and hugged my sister. "That means so much Mayako, it was hard trying to get over Lime, but I know Shiromi is someone I want to pursue things with."

"You are over Lime though right?"

I nodded. "Of course, if I wasn't I wouldn't have asked Shiromi to be mine but it still hurts that she did what she did to me."

Mayako rubbed my back, sympathizing. "The important thing is that you can finally be happy and secure. I know you were wanting Lime to be your end game, but this new relationship you're in is going to make you realize you were settling for less all along anyways."

"Look at you giving your big sis advice, how is your relationship going though little missy?" I smirked.

She laughed. "As perfect as it can be, we hang out everyday and Miasaka always makes sure that Hanako doesn't feel like a third wheel which is so important to me, it makes Hanako happy as well, while she started talking to this one guy named Hazu, we still make sure to spend best friend time together too."

This made me happy to hear. "I'm so glad you're learning how to manage your friendship and relationship, they're both so important and should be balanced between one another."

Mayako smiled and hugged me. Leaving out of my room to let me finish doing what I needed to do.

I finished packing and texted Ayano telling her I was on my way. I absolutely loved spending time with her. I always wonder how different things would be if she wasn't around and that's something I never want to experience.


I finally made it to her house and she opened the door and welcomed me with open arms. I hugged her, sitting down my bag as I came in. Kumi and Yui were all here and I was so happy to see them as well. I hugged them both before settling in with them.

We all talked about our relationships and ate so many snacks until there was a ring at Ayano's door bell. She got up, almost expecting it as she opened the door to find Shiromi in her PJs.

I was so surprised yet so happy to see Shiromi I hugged her tightly, giving her a kiss on the lips.

All of them watched, making kissing noises and teasing us.

Yui looked at me and smiled. "All jokes aside I'm glad you two decided it was time to get together."

Shiromi nodded in agreement, seemingly happy as I laid in her lap, she played in my hair and we all decided to watch some movies and play some games before we went to bed.

The Next Morning:

All the girls woke up to Shiromi cooking and serving them breakfast.

"Aww Shiromi! You didn't have to do this! Such a gentlewoman you have Daishi!" Yui cooed.

Ayano smiled, taking her breakfast before hugging Shiromi and thanking her.

Yui smiled eating her breakfast. "You need to invite her to the sleepovers more often."

We all laughed and quickly finished up breakfast. Shiromi offered to wash everyone's dish so Ayano wasn't left with it. Once we were all done, we all decided to go shopping in Shisuta town, I thought it was a perfect time for me to introduce Shiromi to my mom as my girlfriend being though she was working at the salon today. I told the girls I'd meet up with them later after telling Shiromi what I wanted to do, and they agreed and wished Shiromi good luck before separating.

I walked into the salon to greet my mother with a hug.

"What are you doing here sweetie? I know you aren't here for a haircut."

I laughed and explained to her why I was here. She looked at Shiromi and smiled.

"It's about time you two got together! I knew from the moment I saw you two together that you would be an amazing couple."

Shiromi blushed and I hugged my mom. We stayed and talked to her for awhile before catching back up with our friends to finish our shopping spree. Once we got back to Yan-Chan's house, we all played some games like truth or dare, never have I ever, etc. But once we got to 7 minutes in heaven, this is where things got steamy. Everyone voted that Shiromi and I go in first, so Ayano put us in her bedroom closet and had a countdown of 7 minutes on her phone. She winked at Shiromi and I and shut and locked the door.

Yui yelled, "Spare our eyes for anything we don't wanna see when we open the door!" The rest of the girls laughed.

I turned around to see Shiromi just standing and she then said, "We don't have to do anything you know, I um...Never did anything with a girl anyways."

I looked at her and took her hands. "Me either, but I'm nervous so maybe at a time where it's just us?"

She nodded in agreement. I wanted to make the best of the 7 minutes but I didn't want to ruin it at the same time by telling her what I wanted to tell her. I don't know how she would react to it. I really do trust her so, I feel I can tell her this.

"I want to tell you something...I've told Ayano 'cause you know she's my best friend and all, I truly trust you and I hope you don't think different of me or even my mom after this..."

Even though I couldn't tell any emotion in her eyes, I could tell she was instantly concerned. I told her exactly what I told Ayano, in every last detail. When I was done, Shiromi took my hands and told me that what my mom did doesn't define me just because I'm her child. It made me smile that she didn't judge me nor my mother. She said she still loved my mom like her own. I kissed her and she pulled me on top of her. I felt like it was going to go further when we both heard the door unlock and some cheers from our friends. I got off Shiromi and blushed, telling them to shut up. The rest of the weekend was really amazing.

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