Happier - 9

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Shiromi's POV:

Sometimes I'm still in disbelief that I have the most beautiful girl of my dreams but then again, I'm not surprised I have her. It was long awaited. All of those times we shared together in 1st year, being there for her when her and Raimu split up, while I'm glad she took time for herself before jumping into another relationship, she absolutely deserves the world. So I have something up my sleeve...

I met up with Daishi at lunch and she came and greeted me with a kiss. I smiled and took her hands, sitting her down. I was barely smiling and she instantly knew something was wrong.

"I just feel like sometimes I can be too weird for you...You already know that some people find me really strange."

She stopped me.

"Shiromi, if you're asking if you're too weird for me or whatever the fuck else, I do not care about other's opinion's of you. I love you Shiromi, you should know that. I won't lie it's awfully strange having this come from you."

I looked down. "I asked because, I don't want a repeat of what happened to me in grade school...I liked this girl and I thought her and I we're going to get together but I found her talking shit about me to her friends about how weird I was, because frankly I am weird, I do things that nobody else would. I know things about people and it makes me come off as a stalker and such..."

She took my hands and looked into my barely visible pupils.

"Shiromi, you are the most confident girl I know. Being weird or strange, or even different is what I would call it, is not a bad thing. You're being who you want to be and you shouldn't care for others opinions. I learned that from you babe."

I smiled and hugged her tightly. She really meant the world to me and I wanted to show her that.

"Well now that I got you all gushy, Miyuji! you can come out now!"

Miyuji and her band then came out, surprising Daishi as they played a special song that Shiromi helped them with, dedicated to Daishi of course. When they were done, Daishi was tearing up, hugging Shiromi really tight.

"So that was apart of your plan huh?"

I nodded.

"Everything was the truth minus the fact that I'm scared to be weird. I been gave up trying to impress others."

Daishi gave me a peck on the lips.

"I literally love you."

I blushed. "I love you, Daishi"

Daishi's POV:

It was afterschool and Yui, Kumi, Shiromi and I were accompanying Ayano at her house. She went to the doctor who confirmed it was food poisoning, completely voting out pregnancy

"So how do you guys feel now that you had a pregnancy scare?" Yui asked Hayanari and Ayano.

He sighed happily. "Her and I both agreed that there will be kids in the future. We're just happy there aren't any now. We have out whole life for that anyways."

I nodded in agreement with him. I knew that Ayano wanted to be out of school before even bringing kids into the equation, and I'm happy she got what she wanted in the end.

I eventually made it home, with Shiromi following after since she decided she wanted to stay the night.

"I'm glad she isn't pregnant but, wouldn't it be crazy to think about? You being an aunt?"

I nodded my head and chuckled.  "I'm glad for her honestly. In the end, whatever my best friend wants, I'm going to support her no matter what. Now, while we're sort of on the topic of having children, what do you think of kids?"

She shrugged. "I don't really mind having them but I'd be happy rather I did or didn't. Life goes on with or without them."

I smiled and agreed. "Imagine like little Shiromi's and Daishi's running around though?"

She laughed and pulled me into her arms. "That would be pretty cute."

I looked up and kissed her and she kissed me back passionately. I'm finally happy. I'm with someone that loves and appreciates me. And that's the best thing I could ever ask for.

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