Gone Girl - 3

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4 Months Later...

Daishi's POV:

It's been 4 months since I've been in the student council. I haven't heard anything from Raimu since that day but when I found out she transferred schools, I couldn't help but wonder if I contributed to that. Shortly after so did Tiru...Mayako came out to mom,  and of course mom was proud and accepting of her and even met Miasaka! She's over there everyday now. I laughed.

But I'm glad my sister is happy. Me on the other hand? I've been noticing that Aoi and Shiromi may or may not be competing for my attention. I already have a feeling Shiromi likes me but Aoi? That's for later though. Osoro eventually came back to school fully after being hospitalized by me. I'm really surprised I didn't get suspended for that, but I'm not complaining. Yui and Kumi are also dating now so that's cute! Now I'm the only single one in the damn friend group. I scoffed.

But, Shiromi and I have been getting so close and Kuroko ended up having to leave the student council because she got an opportunity to attend her dream college early! We were all so proud of her because she worked really hard for that. Akane is now the vice president of the student council, which is a great fit for her. Anyways, enough about them, I'm sure you want to hear about me right? Well...Nothing has been new with me...I wish I could tell you all that I found someone who values my feelings and etc etc but no, I'm waiting...Raimu being gone only made me realize that we actually did break up and it was for real...I'm over her but am I really? I'm not too sure...

I woke up bright and early to shower and eat. I was still in my towel, eating breakfast when I heard the door.

"Shit! That must be Shiromi." I ran to the door and opened it. She looked down at me in my towel and smiled.

"Wow we're at this level of friendship now?" I laughed and hit her arm and invited her in.

"Feel free to eat some of my breakfast, I need to get dressed."

She smiled and said, "Yeah clearly."

I laughed again and ran upstairs to get my clothes.

Shiromi was downstairs munching on breakfast when Mrs. Ai walked in and saw her.

"Oh hi Shiromi! If you want breakfast every morning, I can always cook you some before I leave! You come over here everyday so, I wouldn't mind!"

"Oh no Mrs. Ai I don't want to burden you like that, It's no big deal, really."

Mrs. Ai insisted and Shiromi finally agreed. She then leaned in and whispered to Shiromi.

"Between you and me...I think my daughter really likes you and I can tell you like her too."

Shiromi blushed and tried to deny, but she saw through her.

"All I will tell you Shiromi, is to please take care of my daughter. I don't know if she's over that Raimu girl or not, but don't hurt her like she did. I really thought she was going to be the one for my daughter but..." She trailed off and sighed.

"I have to head off to work but seriously, you are always welcomed to help yourself to anything here okay? And I can cook for you before I leave for the day."

Shiromi nodded, thanking her and watching her leave for work.

Daishi came back downstairs, brushing her wet hair and smiling at Shiromi who was finishing up Daishi's food.

"Hey um, I have something for you."

Shiromi raised her eyebrow.

"For me?"

I nodded, getting it out of the fridge.

"I made you some bento for lunch today. I know you barely eat 'cause you're always doing your usual patrolling but, please take time to sit down and eat today for me please?"

Shiromi smiled and took it.

"For you, I'd do anything..."

She realized what she said and blushed.

I looked down, blushing as well.

"You ready to go?" She said as she cleared her throat.

I nodded my head and we left to go to school.

We arrived and went straight to the student council room to get ready for the day.

"Okay guys, remember we have no meeting Tuesday because, Megami has business to attend to. But we'll pick back up on our regular schedule Wednesday." Akane smiled as she announced today's plans.

We all nodded and the first bell rung, that was our cue to start patrolling. I was in charge of now patrolling the rooms Kuroko patrolled, which I had absolutely no issue with. I asked the faculty if they needed anything and they replied with a no and thanked me. I was done shortly after and showed up to class after 30 minutes with Shiromi following behind me.

Yui smiled at me as I came in with Shiromi.

"Hey student council Daishi, need anything?"

I laughed and told her she doesn't have to always ask that.

"Oh how lucky I am that you're my friend, so, how are you and Kumi doing?"

Yui blushed. I knew she was happy to finally have the girl of her dreams. She smiled, telling Shiromi and I all of the details of how things were going.

Shiromi smiled and said "Yeah me and my girlfriend are inseparable" I gasped and looked visibly sad. She had a girlfriend?

Shiromi calmed me down and told me she was messing with me and I hit her arm while she laughed.

"Good to know you'd be torn up if I got a girlfriend."

I blushed.

Yui smiled and asked what we were waiting for.

I looked down. Truthfully, I don't think I was over Raimu and what she did to me but its been 4 months...You would think I would but, I don't know.

Shiromi looked at Yui and said, "Keep in mind Daishi really loved Lime, even though we didn't like her, she saw something in her that we didn't. It was one thing that they were having problems, but another to find out the girl you love cheated on you. basically my point is, if she feels like she's ready for a relationship no matter who she chooses to pursue it with, then she should do it."

Yui nodded, seeming to like Shiromi's answer. I smiled and began to do my work.

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