Your own worst enemy

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They say you're your own worst enemy
With brains like mine it's true
They say it like it's nothing
Flippant delivery
Empty words of faux comfort
Meant to remind you you're not alone
But how can they possibly know?
Have they sat crying in the dark
With only their demons for comfort?
Have they had the sobs wrack their chest
Heart clawing it's way up your throat
As your brain assaults you?
Do they understand the pain of a thousand suns
Your own behavior caused?
How can they possibly understand
When it's 1am
And your brain is screaming at you to kill yourself
Telling you about all the ways to end your pain
And you sit there, sobbing, helpless
Unable to make it stop?
Take all your pills
Shoot yourself
Cut the pain away
You're hideous
You're not a good person
The world is better off without you
Do these thoughts play on repeat in their heads too?
Do they sit in solitude desperate to be held, and praying to a God they don't believe in that the intrusive thoughts will quiet soon?
They say you're your own worst enemy
And with brains like mine it's true

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