Depressive Prison

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I feel so worthless
Hollow inside
Except the crippling depression and anxiety
That have infected my very being
I wake up each morning
And for a moment there is peace
Soon crushed by the disappointment
At the fact that I'm still here
Cursed by an existence
That is the very definition of self-loathing
My life isn't bad
I don't want to die
I'm simply exhausted
By being alive
Drowning with every breath
Constantly under attack
From the demons in my head
If you heard the things they said to me
It would amaze you I'm not dead
I don't want simpathy
Or pity
And this isn't a cry for help
Rather a form of therapy
That I sincerely hope no one can relate to
Because even though my life is not bad
It's Hell.
Inside of me
All consuming
Devouring the smallest spark of light
And I tumble down
To the darkest of depths.....
All the while crying to be set free
Free from the plague that is me.

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