tonight i cry

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my heart is literally broken

i can feel the jagged shards

in my hollow chest

in my throat

the pain is all consuming

the familiarity is met with disdain

its not your fault he said

its too much for me he claimed

too much on his mind

not enough time

too much space

fucked up timing in his life

he said it all so calmly

words seeped with total lack of regret

said it wasnt fair to me

that he didnt treat me right

for me it came out of nowhere

i honestly thought we were doing completely fine...

it was difficult only seeing him once a week

but i was happy...

i tried to cheer him on

tried to stand by his side

just for him to spring this on me

and leave me behind in the sands

of soon to be forgotten time

it burns

the loss of my love

for to my misfortune i had fallen

i loved the falling

but he never caught me

instead he allowed my love to die

left my heart broken

my eyes swollen with the flood of love lost

my soul heavy with the agony

of our relationship's demise

now the night is cold

and my spirit colder

my inner light has dimmed

my essence tarnished

what was once a diamond

reverts back to coal

and so tonight,

i cry...

i cry for the pain

i cry for the heartbreak

i cry for the love he left behind

i cry for the love that never had a chance to be known

i cry for the love he let wither and die...

yes tonight...

tonight i cry...

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