"I Miss You"

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This pain
It's so intense
It's devouring me whole
It comes in bursts
Like a flashback from my ptsd
In an instant it attacks
And I'm reduced to tears
Quietly sobbing as I struggle to breathe
When you left you took the smile from me
My joy is gone
I miss you so
You left me behind
Far from whole
I try so hard to cut you out of my heart
But I miss you
Fuck I miss you
It hurts so bad
I needed you
And you walked away
Now it's a struggle
To get through my days
Numb to the core
With the part I play
So wounded
So broken
It comes in flashes
Your smile
Your silly jokes
The way your eyes held mine
The feeling of peace in your arms
It's all nothing but a memory that cuts me to the core
And I dont wanna hurt like this anymore
I miss you
But you're lost to me forevermore

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