"Why Would I Dream Of You?"

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Why would I dream of you?

We've been through for a long time...

I dreamt that you came crawling back

And everyone else knew...

They knew that you were going to,

All of them knew except for me...

Why would I dream of you?

You who have been gone for so long...

I can honestly say I am over you,

So why did I dream of you last night?

I dreamt of gentle kisses,

Placed upon your neck

Almost against my will,

And your sweet words,

That in this dream I wanted to believe were true...

But I have most certainly moved on,

So why,

When I have had truer loves since,

Did last night I dream so vividly of you?

I never had any closure,

And never needed it before,

But perhaps that is the cause

Of last night's dream

Choosing to knock upon my door...

Other than that

I cannot see why...

Why would I dream of you?

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