C H. 5

669 18 13

"Shinobu and tobirama get along"

It was a lovely morning with the kocho sister helping at the hospital. Here we see the kocho sisters making an antidote for someone who just got poisoned from their mission and they're trying to find the right plants and things to cure them.

After awhile y/n made the right cure for the poisoned man and told her imotō to get some rest since she didn't need any more help since she had made the right cure for the poison.

Shinobu then agreed and walks out of the hospital tiredly wanting to search for a place to rest instead of their compound since it can get noisy there since low ranks demon slayers getting carried by kakushis secretly went into the village to get healed by the kocho family since they are the only medics in the organization.

After she went all around the village, she finally found a place that she can rest which was near by a river in the forest. Shinobu rest at the trunk of the tree that was a little bit far from the river since she didn't want anything to splash her. She lays there for a while until she fells asleep.

While she was sleeping, a man with white hair and red eyes was walking towards the river where the youngest kocho is sleeping.

Once he arrived he sensed someone was there so he looked around and saw shinobu there, sleeping soundly. He was confused to why the youngest kocho was sleeping here so he just ignored her since she won't do anything while sleeping so he decided to train his water style jutsus near the river so he wont splash the sleeping kocho. After awhile of training his jutsus, shinobu woke up to the sound of splashing.

Once she opened her eyes, the brightness blinded her so she shielded her eyes with her hand from the brightness for a bit and when she finally got used to the light she then turns towards the sound of the splashing she heard after she woke up.

After she turns towards the sound, she saw tobirama in the water before he swims back to the shore with his whole body wet from falling in the river after draining all of his chakra.

Once he arrived back to the grassy land he noticed that shinobu was awake and was now looking at him with puffed out cheeks from trying to suppress her laughter to the white haired senju that fell in the river.

Her hand covered her mouth, trying to hide her giggles but failed as she lets out a laugh.

Tobirama glares at her to make her shut up but instead earns more laughter from the kocho. The albino senju grunts in annoyance as he stands back up from his kneeling position, he then went away from the young kocho to get back to his house only to be followed by her as she stands next to him teasing and mocking him.

Shinobu:ara ara... You're so wet tobirama san, was it because you thought about how no one likes you, so you decided to drown yourself in your tears?

This earned an annoying irk mark and a glare from the white haired senju but instead of meeting a scared face he earned as always, he was met with a teasing smile on her face instead of the usual scared expression other people gave him.

Tobirama:im not disliked by people, so i believe you mistaken me for someone who is disliked...

shinobu:oh, no no. You're the right person actually. But im sorry that you haven't realize people don't like you. That was uncalled for, please forgive me.

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