~8~ (edited)

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The school day seemed to go by incredibly slow, your brain starting to melt with the monotonous setting. Your eyes wandered around the classroom, your chin resting on your hand. Your gaze finally landed on the clock above the board in front of you, torturing you with the slow tick of it's hands.

Oh for fucks sake, please just hit the three you bastard.

The long hand traveled around the clock, the only sound in your head the repetitive clicking of it's movements.

Why the fuck is everything in slow-mo.

The hand slowly hit the three, the shorter hand jerking into place to signify the change in time, everyone instantly standing from their seats and going to leave the moment the bell rung.

You fought for your life to reach the hallway, everyone crowing around the door.

"The bell does not dismiss you!" Your ancient teacher whined, everyone collectively pretended they couldn't hear her, they knew that she would turn the simple statement into some prolonged, incessant lecture about respect.

The students finally cleared out, and you made it into the hallway, hearing your fed-up teacher huffing from behind you.

Glad we got outta that one.

You walked through the hallway, going in the opposite direction you needed to go to leave.

"Y/n, where are enough headed right now?" You heard a familiar voice question from behind you.

You stopped, and turned to look at Meruem, a faint smile on your face. "I have to go to study tables, I have a lot of overdue assignments."

Meruem nodded, "Would you like me to stay with you, in case you study late? It is a bad idea to walk unaquainted in the dark."

You shook your head, "Don't worry about me, I should be fine. I don't think I'll take too long to finish up," You responded, the ant not seeming satisfied with your response.

"I don't know Y/n... I just have a..." he went silent, trying to think of a way to explain what he had felt. "Something is weighing on me. I feel as if I don't remain here, something horrible may happen," He explained, confused by his thoughts.

"Oh, you must be experiencing a bit of anxiety." You started, giggling, "If that's it, then you have no reason to worry. It's all in your head, I promise!" You assured, waving a hand at him. "Anyways, I should get going. Bye!" You said, turning on your foot and continuing on to the library.

Meruem remained silent, standing in the same place with his thought. Perhaps he was over-thinking, or "anxious," maybe he just wanted to spend time with you, but it didn't matter. He had a bad feeling about leaving, but he felt that if he stayed, it would be an insult to you.

He thought for a while, deciding to just go ahead home and worry from his bedroom.

You sighed, leaning back in your chair and taking a break from your textbook. Maybe it isn't the best idea to stay out this late.... You thought, looking at the clock on the wall.

7:53 PM

Shit. Mom's gonna worry about me if I don't leave now.

You stood, gathering your belongings and zipping them up into your bag, throwing the strap over your shoulder and leaving the silent and deserted building.

You noticed that with the cold weather beginning to roll in, the sun set way earlier than before. It was already dark enough for you to need to rely on the street lights in order to see in front of you.

What Makes You Human [Meruem x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now