Illugon to see Demelza's Father

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I must find her, I will go to Illugon first to see her father thought Ross. He went out and jumped on Darkie and took off. He reached Demelza's father's house. Knocking at the door a young man resembling Demelza opened it. "Is Demelza here", Ross said. Tom Carne came from behind the young man and pushed him out of the way. "What did you do to my daughter he yelled?" "Is she here," Ross inquired. "Maybe, maybe not what do you want with her," Tom Carne answered? "I need to speak to her," Ross said. "What did you do to she" Tom said again? "IS SHE HERE" Ross yelled? Tom looked at Ross and said "get off my property" and slammed the door in his face. Ross banged on the door for another five minutes then went out and sat across the street when the sun started to set, the young man that answered the door came up behind Ross and said "is my sister really missing," Ross nodded his head. "Well I hope you find her but if you hurt her, you will have me and my five brothers to answer to! " Ross decided to return home before it got any later.

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