Welcoming a New Poldark

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On August 30th Ross was teaching Jeremy how to ride his pony. He no longer cried when it was time to come in. Ross lifted him off and he went racing to his mother, Ross got there just in time to pull him back and up into his arms. Demelza being ready to go into her confinement and would not have been able to withstand the hurricane called Jeremy. Demelza gave her son a kiss on the cheek and Ross a kiss her on the lips. "How are you feeling my dear," Ross asked Demelza? "I am fine Ross." "When will Dwight be coming to check on you today or tomorrow." "I am fine Ross;" she did not tell him her back had been hurting since this morning. "Momma did you see me ride Darkie," she laughed "yes, my love I did, you did such a good job."
"We are planning to go for a ride tomorrow with Geoffrey Charles," George said he will drop him off. Elizabeth had her baby; it was born nine months two weeks to the day after her marriage and George was ecstatic. George and Ross came to an understanding while not being best of friends they behaved cordially. True to his word Ross stayed away from Elizabeth. Dwight arrived a little after they sat down to lunch. Ross asked him to join, he looked at Demelza face and said "he would love to join them but wanted to look at Demelza first."
Ross and Jeremy ate while Dwight went up with Demelza. He came down a few minutes later and told Ross she had begun her labor and if he could send for Mrs. Martin, he would appreciate the help. Ross sent Jinny then he took Jeremy up to see his wife. She was laying on her side grimacing. He kissed her and told her that he was going to send Jeremy to see Purdy for a while and asked if she would allow him to be present for the birth of their child. He told her he really wanted to be there to give her comfort and support. Dwight raised an eyebrow; "you know this could be stressful for you." "I want to be with my wife during this time, please Demelza," she nodded but said "if it gets too much for you, I want you to leave," he nodded his consent. He went down to find Jane and asked if she would take Jeremy down to the Painters keeping him away from any upsetting noises that may come from upstairs. After helping Jeremy get ready to go to Purdy he went back upstairs. A few minutes later Mrs. Martin came in and raised her eyebrow at Ross. Then said, "Capt. you sure you want to be in here." He said "yes, I do, I want to be here for my wife and child." Right at that moment they heard a loud JUDAS come from Demelza and Dwight said "let the games begin."
Ross sat beside Demelza lending his hand a couple of times he thought he was going to have broken fingers. Dwight asked Ross to get behind Demelza and hold her in a half laying half sitting position while she pushed. Ross climbed in behind her and she grabbed his hand. Within a few seconds Dwight told her to push, once done he said he saw the head crowning and a few more good pushes, and the baby would be here. On the fourth push she delivered a beautiful baby girl which they named Clowance. Mrs. Martin took the baby to clean it up and Ross continue to hold his wife until Dwight laughing told him he could let his wife lie back down.  He got up and gave his wife a kiss then he went to look at his daughter. Once she was clean, he took her over for Demelza to see. They held her close, she looked so much like Julia. With tears in his eyes, he went to the door and asked Jane to send for Jeremy, Jane told him Jeremy is out in the barn with Purdy, John, and Jud. He looked at Demelza and said I am going to bring Jeremy in to meet his sister are you up to it. She nodded and Mrs. Martin said they would have her cleaned up by then but to be sure knock first.
Jeremy came running into the room as Ross caught him and placed him gently on the bed where he kissed his mother then kissed his sister. He said "I am a big brother, and it is my job to protect Clowance huh pappa just like you protect momma and me." Ross just nodded and smiled at his family. Though he was not especially religious he thanked God for giving him this wonderful woman and the beautiful children because without them none of this would be worth it.  Later that night while Demelza fed her new daughter he told her "I want to thank you Demelza for letting me share that experience although I think I lost permanent feeling in my hand," he said as he flexed his fingers.  She smirked at him, "I appreciated your support." "I love you my dear loyal, trusting, my redeemer, my wife, my mistress, the mother of my children I L.O.V.E. Y.O.U. " She smiled "I love you too."

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