One Way or Another [ReaderxGeneralHux]

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General Hux and you hated each other ever since you met during a conference with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. You're surprised to see how agitated Hux gets when he witnesses Ren flirting with you.

4918 words

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Three months ago

The moment your boots hit the ground, officers start talking to you. You're barely made it two steps towards central command of Starkiller Base before you're bombarded with questions.

"How many Troopers should we send?"

"Do you want us to inform Captain Phasma?"

"What would you like to eat for dinner?"

"The Supreme Leader asked you to join him for the debriefing, should I escort you?"

Navigating through the chaos of the main hangar, you try to stay cool and sign electronic files on the data pads shoved in your face with orders for new equipment or transfer requests while answering one question after the other.

The throng following you slowly thins out as you exit the hangar and stride down the big hallway that leads towards the main conference room.

You're tired from the mission you just completed. You're also injured. So far, however, no one noticed. It takes some effort to walk straight when you're head buzzes, and the artificial light hurts your eyes. But you stubbornly hold your head up high and your hands behind your back, not moving a muscle of your face that would give away in how much pain you actually are.

Finally, the last officer let you be and you're all alone, standing in front of the large, black, glossy door you know Ren is waiting behind. You run your fingers through your hair to make it look somewhat in order. Then you attempt to straighten out your uniform. Attempt being the key word here. At last, you give up and just open the door to get this over with.

You're surprised to find not only the Supreme Leader at the table, but also a red-headed man with an impeccable posture and the most thoroughly straightened uniform you've ever seen. It makes your attempt at looking put together absolutely useless. Even if you would have come here right from the refresher, dressed by a droid, you would probably look like a troglodyte, nevertheless, compared to him.

A quick glance at his badges tells you that he's a General. Weird that you've never seen him before. He must be from a completely different department.

"Lieutenant." Ren greets you. His mask sits on the table, his arm resting on it nonchalantly. He's leaning back in his chair, his large frame causing the chair to look like a miniature model.

"Supreme Leader." You give him a nod. "And you are...?" Extending your hand towards him, you wait for the stern looking man to introduce himself.

"Hux." He replies briskly, ignoring your hand, just staring at your face. "General Hux."

Wow. You don't know if it's the pain radiating form the blaster wound in your side or his dismissive gesture, but your pulse picks up and you clench your jaw.

"Sit." Ren orders, gesturing towards the chairs opposite of him. Hux complies instantly. You, however, could cry just at the thought of having to sit down.

"I would prefer to keep standing, Sir."

Hux lets out a huff at your reply. You shoot daggers at him. He smugly stares back at you, not even blinking.

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