You lose some, you win some [ReaderxGeneralHux]

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Ren tries to humiliate Hux in front of you by revealing an embarrassing detail. It gives you an idea Ren did not intend and Hux did not dare to dream of.


The bridge is busy, lots of shouting, lots of rushing. You do your best to stay calm and somehow manage ten lines of communication at once. It feels like you're barely blinking while you basically attack the screen in front of you with command after command. You don't lift your head for most of the time and only acknowledge information shouted your way with a nod or occasionally a thumbs up if it came from across the room.

You're second in command on the bridge, after General Hux. Well, if you count Snoke and Ren, maybe fourth? That also does not account for Phasma...First Order ranks are obscure. Practically, it means, either way, that when Hux isn't here, you're the one who oversees the bridge. You would also argue that you're doing a lot more than overseeing. Other than the aloof General, you are actually hands on. Which is what earned you the respect of the other officers – sometimes to Hux' annoyance, because even when he is on the bridge, officers tend to talk to you first anyway.

Ren, on the other hand, finds it amusing. He does not explicitly appreciate you, but he also never has thrown you against a wall...or questioned your standing. To put it differently: he values your commitment that has the welcome side effect of pissing Hux off by proxy.

It made it ever more puzzling to him when he realized that you were not disrespecting Hux but flirting with him. Well, what started at teasing, turned into flirting. Because your body's reaction to Hux shooting you an exasperated look made you realize that you like nothing more than for him to be worked up because of you.

Hux realized that recently as well and plays into it, you are sure of it. For him, what started as being agitated turned into being aroused. At least that's what his flushed cheeks and Ren's eyerolls insinuated.

Even though it was something you are excited to achieve, you don't really know how to handle it. Hux and you are now more or less openly flirting with each other, but don't talk outside of work at all or ever were alone with each other.

Today, Ren gives you the final push when he obviously intended the absolute opposite to happen.

It happens when you finally look up from your screen after what surely has to be at least two hours. You do so, because Hux approaches to tell you: "They found the outpost."

You turn to him: "Thank fuck."


"My apologies, General."

The corners of his mouth twitch.

Before either of you can say anything else, Ren comes storming in.

"Why wasn't I informed?!"

Irritated, Hux looks at him: "Weren't you chasing that sand rat?"

"Careful." Ren walks right up to him. They stare each other down. You enjoy the tension for a long moment before you defuse it by telling him: "We just got the confirmation, Sir. Noone is to approach before you give the order or fly there yourself."

Surprisingly, he barely seems to register your words.

Instead, he keeps his eyes on Hux. Then they dart to you for a second and back to the General whose face suddenly contorts in discomfort.

"Out...of my head, Ren!"

"What are you so desperately trying to hide? A little inappropriate dream or...oh my!" He starts to grin.

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