Only if For A Night [KyloRenxReader]

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Everything about him seems expensive. What really intrigues you, though, is the look in his eyes when he sees you.


An AU in which you meet Sugar Daddy-esque Kylo Ren at the opera.

6561 words

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Climbing the marble steps of the opera house, you're glad you brought a coat with you. The air is mild now, but you can feel that it will be chilling when the play is over.
Your coat in one hand, your bag in the other, you enter the brightly lid building. Everything is white, except for the red carpets and the golden chandeliers.
A friend of yours works here, and whenever a new play or opera comes on, they can get you a free ticket. You quite like it, because for a night you get to pretend you belong to all the rich and beautiful people that are currently gathering in the entrance hall.

The clicking of your heels is muffled by the thick carpets as you make your way to the box office. To not look out of place, you put on a pretty dress and some pumps. The most important thing though, you learned from your past visits, is the make-up. The right color of lipstick, combined with light eyeshadow and an expensive perfume apparently is the entry ticket to the high society sipping on champagne around you.
"Hi!" The cashier enthusiastically greets you by your name. They know by now who you are and immediately hand you your ticket. "How is everything?" They ask you and you make small talk for a minute, leaning against the counter.

While you say goodbye, you see someone observing you out of the corner of your eye. When you turn to walk to the bar, you see him.
Tall, broad shoulders, sharp features framed by thick, raven hair, and a black suit that fits him immaculately. His enormous hand makes the glass in his hand look ridiculously small. A silver and black watch on his wrist sparkles in the bright light of the lobby. His dark eyes pierce into you as you slowly walk towards the bar.
Just when you're about to turn your head away, he drags his eyes over your body one last time before looking back at the group of people surrounding him, saying something to the ginger man besides him that you cannot hear.
Fuck, he's handsome. You never seen him here before.
His eyes had something so intriguing about them. They made you forget, for a moment, that anything but him even exists. He looked at you like he was ready to pounce you.
But maybe you just wished he looked at you like that. After all, you're the one that got wet instantly.

Throat dry, you order a drink and patiently wait for the barkeeper to mix it. You don't dare to turn around and look in his direction again. However, you would swear you can feel his eyes on your neck right now. To distract yourself from the wild rhythm of your heartbeat, you start to read the labels of the different kinds of alcohol.
As the barkeeper puts the drink in front of you, you open the zipper of your purse to get out your money. When you look up, though, there is a black credit card being held out to the barkeeper. You freeze, staring at the large hand holding it. You know who it belongs to. You can feel the warmth of his body next to you.
"Make it two." The dark voice orders. The barkeeper just nods and grabs the card.
Clutching your purse hard, so that your hands don't shake, you hesitantly turn your head to look at him.
He towers over you, a smile on his lips.
"Thank you." You hear yourself say, barely conscious.
"My pleasure."
Fuck. His voice turns you on.
Desperate to make conversation, you ask: "Do you come here often?"
His eyes dart to your lips, your cleavage, and back to your eyes.
"No." After a pause, he tells you: "Kylo Ren."
The way he says his own name makes you smile. He doesn't say it like a name. He says it like a statement. Like it is an explanation for everything.
You hold out your hand: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Ren."
He shakes your hand gently and says your name. "Right?"
"Ehm- yes. How do you know?" His grasp feels really good. It's embarrassing how bad you want him to touch you.
"You're on the guestlist." He states, slowly letting go of your hand, his fingers grazing your palm.
You still don't understand how he knows your name... Oh. He heard you talking with the cashier. That means he saw you before you even noticed him. Damn.

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