Notifications and Revelations [ReaderxGeneralHux]

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Throughout your recon flight, you keep getting pinged. However, since it's not an emergency code, you ignore it until you're back. When you look at your notifications at the end of your shift, your datapad is flooded with messages from General Hux. A needy and intoxicated General Hux.


I'm torn about the 'intoxicated confession' trope. I often enjoy it, but I take issue with someone being drunk/on drugs in these kind of situations - No matter if it comes to physical contact or emotionally charged conversations. This is my version of it, hoping to make it true to character and trope but also comfortable.

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"Oh, for fucks sake." You mumble under your breath. It's in the logs that you're on a recon flight. Then why are you getting pinged? The first time it happened, you glanced at the notification and saw that it was not flagged as an emergency. So you ignored it. The same happened four more times. Then there was, finally, silence and you were able to fully focus on your mission again.

You're scanning a planet. There are whispers that a rebellion outpost might be hidden on it. Of course, it is tedious and bound to fail – but Ren ordered, what can you do...

Just now, while the ship is getting out of orbit, you get pinged again.

You roll your eyes and find out once more that it's not imperative to read or react to it immediately.

However, since all you have to do right now is sit down and strap in, you decide to finally see who's been annoying you for the past hours.

Your eyes widen in shock when you see who the messages are from: General Hux.

Why would the General write you without it being something super important?

You take a deep breath and open the messages.

It's boring without you on the bridge

You furrow your eyebrows. Yes, you work together almost every day. After all, you're one of the highest ranked communication officers. And yes, you are willing to admit, you sometimes look at the General longer than necessary. And more intense. And sometimes you talk to each other quietly because it has little to do with work. Which, as far as you can tell, is something the General never does otherwise. Meaning, with anyone but you.

It started with you telling him more about a star system you have deeper knowledge of. He validated it as useful. Which could have been the end of it, but he went on to ask you why you know that.

It surprised you, but you were also happy to have him recognize you as an actual person and not just an officer.

From that day on, the two of you became more and more comfortable around each other. The peak of this being him coming in earlier to a debriefing to have a coffee with you before you did your presentation.

It might not seem too much. However, this is about General Hux. The most ambitious and dedicated man you ever met – who took time to have a coffee with you. You did your best, though, to not read too much into it. After all, he showed no sign of actual affection. Nevertheless, you welcomed his earnest interest in you just as much.

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