Hit Me Where It Hurts [ReaderxGeneralHux]

399 12 7

An interrogation escalates. In several ways.

(somewhat) DUBCON AND (movie-) VIOLENCE


"Get up!" The General shouts at you.

You're on all fours, head pounding from the slap he just delivered to your face. It was the fourth or fifth, maybe the sixth - you're not sure at this point. Especially because you have been in a room with Hux for surely over an hour by now; and what started with stern and calculated questions, escalated to him trying to get something out of you with physical violence.

Apparently, you didn't react quickly enough to his liking, so he rams his shin into your side, making you collapse and gasp for air.

Shielding your head, you lie on the cold ground of the interrogation room, wondering how to convince this spiteful man that you're, in fact, not a traitor. The way he reacted the last million times of you telling him that...your future isn't looking bright.

"Get up, you pathetic cunt!"

Hux using such vulgar language completely catches you off guard; More than any slap ever could. You look up at him, astonished.

His face is as hard as it has been since he closed the door behind you, but even he appears surprised by his own loss of composure.

The moment of stillness on Hux' side, enables you to finally stand up and gather your thoughts. Whereas his escalating demeanor scared you before, you now begin to find it gratifying. You wipe your chin clean of the watered-down blood that dripped down. You bit your tongue, and it mixed with your saliva. You also straighten out your uniform and run your fingers through your hair. Anything to make you feel dignified. At least a little.

"I got up." You say with the most nonchalant voice you can muster. "Now what?"

The General straightens his back and takes a step towards you. Against your efforts, it makes you flinch. A disgusting smirk tugs on his lips when he sees it.

"We'll do this aaaaaall over again." He tells you.

"How many times will until you believe I don't know!"

Hux gets in your face, and you feel his breath on your neck when he snarls: "Until you beg."

You lightly turn your head and let your eyes dart over his face and upper body. You've never been so close to him. At least not in a position that allows you to focus on anything but pain.

You notice the freckles on his cheeks and how truly fiery his hair is and how he's lightly panting.

This is clearly getting to him in a way that makes him not relent. Otherwise, he would have executed you by now. Why does he insist to keep going?

"General..." You say quietly. "I don't know who gave away the passcodes. Nothing in my personnel file would suggest that I am a traitor."

"Do you think I'm stupid?! I-"

"Apparently, yeah."

Oops. You didn't mean to say that out loud.

Hux strikes you again, but this time he immediately grabs a fist full of your hair to yank you back up. You yelp, painfully craning your neck to somehow relieve the burning sensation on your scalp.

"Do you have a death wish?" He growls.

"No." You reply through gritted teeth.

"Then tell me who gave away the passcodes."

Star Wars Shorts & One Shots [ReaderxKylo/ReaderxHux}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ