Subject Matters [ReaderxGeneralHux]

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It all starts with a letter Hux sends you – more follow as your relationship develops.

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Subject: A Matter of the Heart

I must confess putting these feelings into words has proven to be a daunting task, as I find myself grappling with emotions that have eluded my comprehension for far too long. Within the strict and unyielding corridors of the First Order, where obedience and dedication are paramount, allowing oneself to be vulnerable feels like a treacherous misstep. Yet, I find it increasingly impossible to suppress these sentiments any longer.

Since you came under my command, you have displayed unwavering loyalty and exceptional competence. Your commitment to the First Order is beyond reproach, and I have always admired your dedication to our cause. The manner in which you execute your duties with precision and grace has garnered my utmost respect. I have often contemplated the complexity and profound beauty that lies beneath your steadfast demeanor, wondering if others are as captivated as I.

Perhaps it was a moment of weakness or a fleeting impulse, but my heart has betrayed me, veering into uncharted territory. I find myself inexplicably drawn to your presence, your intelligence, and your unwavering dedication to the First Order. I cannot deny the admiration I hold for you and the way you conduct yourself on the field and within these cold walls. It is, however, a truth I have fought to conceal, for fear that such feelings would be perceived as weakness and could compromise the order I've striven to maintain.

As a General of the First Order, I have been conditioned to suppress personal inclinations in favor of the greater objective. My loyalty to Supreme Leader Snoke and the ideals of the First Order remains unwavering, and I must not allow this personal revelation to distract from my duties or jeopardize the cause we serve.

I am aware that such emotions are unexpected and, perhaps, even unwelcome given the context of our roles within the First Order. It is with reluctance that I acknowledge my feelings, and I pray that this disclosure will not hinder the efficiency of our unit or compromise your perception of my leadership.

I understand if you find yourself perplexed or uncomfortable in the wake of this revelation. I seek neither special treatment nor reciprocity for these emotions; I merely find solace in finally admitting the truth, no matter how much it unsettles me.

It is crucial that we remain steadfast in our commitment to the First Order, and if necessary, we shall address this matter with the utmost discretion. Our shared duty to the Supreme Leader must always take precedence over any personal feelings we may harbor.

In closing, I implore you to regard this confession with the same discretion I have extended to you. Let it be buried deep within the confines of confidentiality, hidden from prying eyes. The First Order's survival depends on the strength of its leaders and the cohesion of its forces.

Yours in loyalty and duty,

General Armitage Hux

Subject: The Embrace of Revelation

Your response to my hesitant confession has left me both relieved and unnerved. I never anticipated that you, too, might share similar sentiments, and yet, a profound sense of gratitude washes over me for your candidness. The vulnerability we now share is a treacherous precipice, one that demands careful navigation to safeguard the sanctity of the First Order.

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