Dawn of Injustice Ch. 25 (Phoenix King - Dusk to Dawn)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 25 (Phoenix King - Dusk to Dawn)

Within the tower, Lincoln reached the last door with a prism color. There awaits two of the heroes that are currently standing at the magnificent gates.

Ben: Took your time, Loud!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Clearly, in the presence of the High Councilor...

Jen: Ex-High Councilor.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: whatever... you should kneel in respect. [Lincoln got near and hugs the Tennyson Twins] But you guys are an exception.

Ben: Great to see you again Lincoln. When I heard of your wife's passing, I wanted to give my condolences.

Jen: Yeah, and then out of nowhere you started a regime. Not that I approve but I ain't going to lie, you made good leadership that time. You've secured peace in your reign.

Ben: Then when your sovereignty ends, it kinda went downhill. Crime rates yet came to rise without your friends helping.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Which is more the reason I am grateful to Clyde and David for establishing things after me. But I just couldn't believe it, the prophesy of Armageddon. Of all people, I should have known Emerson is another Tetherby descendant.

Jen: Did you really think that erasing the Tetherby family could have solved anything? Another supporters could have done the same like the Snarts! It's going to take a full armed Thanos to eliminate all of them which is close to impossible!

Ben: And doing so, even if possible, would mean playing god and that's just wrong.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Which is why you had the Celestiosapien DNA removed from the Omnitrix, right?

Ben: If I removed Alien X, then yeah... no more playing like God. Besides, I have to constantly argue with those two when I use that alien. I made the right move to have Azmuth remove and save its DNA somewhere else.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I see... [looks at the gates] So this is it huh?

Ben: We're ready when you are, right Jen?

Jen gave a two thumbs up.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Only someone with at least a few amount of divinity could open the gates to the holy throne of this tower, The Throne of the Ein Sof: Hall of Infinity.

Jen and Lincoln opened the rainbow colored gates and from within, they saw a staircase surrounded by six pillars with different colors ranging from Red to Violet. The Seventh Pillar is a monument looking contraption with rainbow colored screen and a keyboard with 7 different colored buttons that looked like an Atari console. Unlike the other pillars that have different colors, this pillar have words written on its walls. Lincoln understood the words written in different languages, varying from Hebrew-Aramaic (Semitic), Arabic, Latin, Greek, Runic (Celtic/Asgard), Rune-Angelic, etc.

Ben: Linc, do you know these words written?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Yeah, it is thanks to the Celestial Host dwelling in me. Also from the training from Surima (Egypt), Scala ad Caelum and other places.

Jen: Can you translate them?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I'll try. Let's see...

Beyond this corridor, lies the dwelling place of the Holiest of Holies. The Throne Room of the Infinity Twins.
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (I Am What I Am) known to mankind as Elohim{God}, El-Shaddai{God Almighty}, Adonai{Master/Lord}, or Ieouah (From the four consonants [Yod - He - Waw - He] name spoken as Yew/Yah - Wah/Wey). The creator of the entire universe.
His twin sister: Pandora Nihil Klum, also once reside here. The darkness that once was the void of the universe.
The Twins represent balance of Yin and Yang, of Darkness and Light, of Destruction and Creation, of Omega and Alpha.

Jen: Oh that's so cool. How about we read that computer looking thing?

Ben: Sure, we may get somethings to help us along anyway.

Ben then started pressing buttons and Lincoln read them all:

Entry - 0
It was that time the twins are born. Drifting in the realms between where they are unattached to the concept of time. The are immortal and if one of them dies, the realms are compromised and both will die. Pandora and Ehyeh once are loving siblings and always together. When Pandora left to cover the surface of the nothingness from the realms between with her darkness, Ehyeh was left alone with no one to be with. That loneliness made Him learn all the positive virtues that He felt with his sister: Love, Compassion, Understanding, Wisdom. Sooner He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omni-benevolent. He created His project of creation and light and happiness grew in Him. His sister returned and saw how happy her Brother is without her. Disgusted by His works, her darkness devoured all He could make, giving her the rulership of all. This sparked the first war of all cosmos.

Entry - 1
He carefully planned everything to get to His sister. Creating a fortress (Soon to be Scala ad Caelum/Heaven) and brought fort His sons and most trusted lieutenants {The Archangels}, his begotten Son {Messiah} and the guardian-general of the throne room {Mettatron}. As His creation grew, He knew that the darkness will yield to His Light. And with preparation and precision, His appointed soldiers used his seven gifts to strike His sister until she lose. Upon her lost, she sworn vengeance to her Brother that one day she will strike Him down. Ehyeh created a seal, the Pandora's Box, to imprison her there without meddling to His work. He won against His sister and now have domain to all of the cosmos.

Entry - 2
He trusted the two keys of the box to his most favored sons, Michael and Samael/Lucifer. Michael has the key of Light with the blessing of creation {Pendant of Abel} and Samael has the key of Darkness with the power over Pandora {Mark/Crest of Cain}. He then began His project of decorating the realms between and all of cosmos. The Seven Blessing:
Red[Daybreak] - Separating Pandora's Darkness and His Light forming Night and Day.
Orange[Heavens] - Separating the Sky and Seas creating an expansion from surface and cosmos/realms between.
Yellow[Ground and Oceans] - Giving a territory of Land and Waters to the surface. This bore the forests and trees.
Green[Stellar/Celestial] - Giving a population of stars, planets, Suns, Moons, and other bodies to the cosmos. Thus the universe itself. The Sun guarded by some of His "angels" as Light of Day, and the Moon with Stars as Light of Night.
Blue[Life] - Randomly created different species of animals in the seas, waters, on land, on air and beneath the earth. Controlled by a simple command from Ehyeh.
Violet[Being] - Created beings similar from the angels, to have freedom and mind of its own. First carved from the soil of the ground, the dust settled and formed flesh unlike the animals. The violet blessing of Ehyeh was used to breath life into the flesh and formed a spirit within flesh, the image and likeness of Him: a Man. It didn't stop there as he made a partner for the man.

Entry - 3
Project Lilith was the man's first partner. They safeguarded the experimental garden, but the Project failed Man. And so, the Project is then disposed to the void to be a companion of one of My lieutenant. She is to serve sentence and the lieutenant will pass judgement. Second project is made, this time from the rib of the slumbering Man and formed a partner for him. The second project is a success, she seek completion with Man, a compatibility that rejection, a Woman. Therefor, I grant my last blessing to these creation. The seventh blessing: Prism[Sabbath] - The blessing that grant rest, peace and prosperity to all of creation. I asked all of my lieutenants to serve these Beings with their utmost loyalty and the complied... except one!

Jen: Woah these are some big stuff.

Ben: So all of those legends...

Lincoln/Phoenix King: All of those myths are true in a sense. [looks at the twins] There are a few more entries here, but we can't read them all so I'll take a copy if you'd like.

Jen: Yeah, I think we should have a copy.

Ben: This will be beneficial to all Plumbers too.

Lincoln then took a device from the chamber and from it, he saved the following entries:
Entry - 0: Beginnings
Entry - 1: Sibling War!
Entry - 2: Seven Blessing of Creation
Entry - 3: Project Lilith and Chava/Eve
Entry - 4: Mutiny of Samael.
Entry - 5: Mutiny and Exile from Eden
Entry - 6: Cain and Abel
Entry - 7: Revenge, Rematch, Rainbow {Flood}
Entry - 8: Babel Tower, and Pandora's Last Resort.
Entry - 9: The Patriarchs and Meteor Impact
Entry - 10: To Surima and Exodus.
Entry - 11: Canaan, Kingdoms, Prophets.
Entry - 12: Djinns, Solomon, Greeks, Division, and Babylon
Entry - 13: Return from Exile, Asgard, Persia, and Rome.
Entry - 14: Reign of the Messiah
Entry - 15: Of Salvation and Distribution.
Entry - 16: Pandora's Return, Reign of Chaos {WWI}
Entry - 17: Massacre of the Chosen {WWII}
Entry - 18: Pandora Apologizes, Sibling Reunion, Peace?
Entry - 19: Torrent of Watchful Eyes!!
Entry - 20: Modern Days or Modern Warfare??
Entry - ??: Armageddon - Apocalypse - Revelation (Pending/???)

After all the entries and information copied from the device and saved. They kept it and ensured that they will return with it. They then proceeded to the throne room where a familiar person is waiting.

Emerson/Void Dark: Took your damn time, your Majesty!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Emerson Tetherby! It all ends right her and now!

Emerson/Void Dark: Hmph... Farneus, I won't be needing you anymore. [He then revert to his normal form with an armor and tentacles. The he took a spear unlike any other. A two-fused spear with both tip at ends. One tip is an angelic wing with a gemstone of halo. The other is a devil wing with a blue cat's eye gemstone on it.] Behold, the seat of Infinity. It is where all lives spring, and where all lives will return. There at the thrones settles the scales of balance, the judgement is at hand. And this spear, the Spear of Destiny, I can change the judgement of all creation.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Heh... that is just playing god. Emerson, you've sacrificed all of what you have for a dream never meant to come true.

Emerson/Void Dark: You shall see what is real and what is fantasy. [He raises the dark tip of the spear into the orb that settles on the top of the scale and caused the scales to tilt towards the red fiery weight: Destruction.] Destruction draws near. Come forth the truth of all that exists, with all the Hexian's energy you can take, return your power into the ruptured Earth and all shall return to the Vessel!

An earthquake erupted and all that is still inside the tower remained while the tower windows and doors shut. Logan was able to call Maggie and Liby for transport into the tower.

Logan/Knightwing: I made it. Thank you guys.

Outside the tower however the angels returned to Scala ad Caelum realizing what is about to transpire. Within the Netherworld and La Xibalba they felt the trembling of the ground as if they are about to lose the chance to climb towards Scala.

Dr. Faust: Shut the Hell Gate close! Warn Azrael to shut Scala and Xibalba close for now! It's him... I can feel it!

The demons of the Netherworld closed the Hell Gate that connects to the other land of the Dead. Azrael halted all reincarnation and transport activities and closed the Purgatory. Michael knew what is going to happen in the surface and had Scala ad Caelum cease visitations, and reanimation activities. All righteous SOULS that resides the realm stayed and just watch the event to happen. All in La Xibalba cannot advance from their penance due to enclosure. All in the Netherworld remained tortured and if anyone escape will only face what's coming next.

The Black Precipice's miasma return and devoured the entire world. All of the creatures are trapped in a never-ending Pandemonium of nothingness. They got devoured painlessly but surely their consciousness will be devoured until they are nothing but force to be returned in the Scales of Judgment/Holy Vessel where the Ein Sof Twins are born and drew their powers of Creation and Destruction.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: What... What have you done?

Emerson/Void Dark: The people outside this tower should be slowly being digested by the endless miasma of the Black Precipice due to the Scales tilted in Destruction. Just like in Noah's Ark, if days and nights lasted and still the judgement is still tilted in Destruction, say goodbye to your precious world.

Ben: No! No, not them.

Jen: Grandpa Max, Kevin, Gwen, all of our friends.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: [thoughts: Mom, Dad, everyone,... Ronalda, Toby] You... will... pay!! Benjamin, Jennelyn back me up!!

Ben & Jen: "Roger!" "We're on it!"

Emerson/Void Dark: I'm afraid I'm not your only opponent. Here I shout, heed my call. Arise from the void.

From the canyon that divided the seats and scale from the terrace of audience where the heroes stands, comes forth a massive monster with the ugliest of all forms. It has Arachnid Legs, Torso of Armored Scales, Wings of a Bat except all bones only, arms of a mantis with five blades each fingers, and 3 heads with six horns each; a pair at the forehead, temple near the ear and the skull's crown.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: So it comes out.

Ben: What is that thing?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: The son of Pandora. The embodiment of all evil, the power of Darkness and Hatred manifest into a being. The Anti-Messiah itself, or the True Evil Incarnate. The source of all Hexians and Nightmare creatures!

Emerson/Void Dark: You read your history lesson quite correctly. Yes this is indeed...

Lincoln & Emerson: Tri-Hexa (The Three Sixes)!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Commonly known as Chaos.

Chaos: I am... the Dusk of all Creation... I shall... eliminate... and... hate... all of that exists. My... mother... will...return... to... me... and...we will.. rule... all of Cosmos!!

Ben: I know the right size to beat this thing.

Suddenly a voice echoed in the ears of the three heroes.

Ein Sof Twins:"Not without our intervention!!"

A powerful ray of force hit Chaos and revealed his weakness.

Chaos: Mother... Why??...RAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!

Pandora's Voice: See that orb, that's the source. Hit it and all evil shall be reaped back into the box.

Ehyeh's Voice: Also here's a platform for you to use. [floor manifest within the canyon so that Ben could fight.]

Ben: Alright! [transforms] WAY BIG!!

Jen: I won't be using the watch for a while. FULL POWER!! [Jen uses her Anodite powers]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: [thoughts: Alien X could have altered reality, but I guess there are two problems in that. One is Chaos is beyond the concepts of reality being the son of Pandora, two is those two arguing personas.] Meh, Way Big it is.

Lincoln the activates his Camael powers and fully manifest the Angel of War and Fires. Emerson charged and slashes Lincoln but Lincoln blocks with his shield and the clash sent the two back from their standing point.

Lincoln/Camael: So that's how powerful the Spear of Destiny is. It was forged by Ehyeh himself and safeguarded by Celestiasapiens until it got lost when someone altered reality.

Ben/Way Big: Guilty as charged! [he threw a punch as Chaos's face and Chaos swing his claws. Hitting both of them, Ben got damaged while Chaos was sent back.] Jen!!

Anodite Jen: On It!! {fires energy beams at Chaos and was able to crack a few of Chaos's scale-mail}

Chaos: That... cursed... power!!!

Anodite Jen: This power is manifestation of magic and phenomena. The power of creation just like Ben's old Alien X.

Ben/Way Big: Again! Could you guys stop reminding me!? Whenever I hear that, I get nightmares and daydreams of those two shouting and arguing!!

Lincoln/Camael: Sorry, never again. [Slashes his sword towards Emerson while firing orbs of flames towards Chaos in hope that the attack will bind Chaos down.]

Emerson/Void Dark: You can't win against us!! AGNUS DEI [Lamb of God - Forms a Holy Orb and detonates it. The explosion shock will damage anyone in the premise of the detonation.]

Camael's shield got a little scraped from the attack while Ben and Jen defended. Jen was able to absorb the mana from the Agnus Dei but was also damaged due to how high the intensity of its detonation.

Anodite Jen: Wow, it's like eating hot and spicy soup. Energizing but agonizing as well.

Ben/Way Big: Darn that hurts. My beam wasn't enough.

Chaos: Out... of... my... way!! QLIPPOTH WAVE [Sends a wave of thorns from the Darkness and scatter to pierce the heroes. Ben ducked to avoid getting hit, while Jen deflect using energy orbs. Lincoln slashes his sword to cut-down the thorns but his sword soon got caught by the thorns and got stuck.]

Emerson/Void Dark: Soon when Judgement comes to pass, I will use Regnum Dei [God's Kingdom] to alter all of reality and change the worlds fate. I will rebuild the world in my image and liking! Not even any species will go against me!!

Lincoln/Camael: Not if we stop you first! CRUEL SUN!! [throws a larger scale UltraNova] Solar Eclipse [Creates a spinning beads of Flare Crusher and throws it. The beads merge with UltraNova, making it look like a Saturn-Shaped Fireball.]

Emerson/Void Dark: Futile! [Slashes the spear and annihilate the incoming projectile creating a smokescreen.] What!! [Lincoln appears quick enough to punch Emerson sending him to a wall near the thrones while letting go of the Spear.]

Ben/Way Big: Here!! [fires an energy wave] JEN!!

Anodite Jen: NO MORE HOLDING BACK!!! [support's Ben and fires an even larger energy wave that helps Ben expose Chaos to a rapid succession of attacks.]

Chaos: Impossible!!.... Ah... mother... now... I see... what you left... behind. AHHHHHHH!!!! [his core got hit multiple times and leaked his power back to the box where it belongs.]

Pandora's Voice: Oh, Chaos... You see... I'd rather be with my brother once again. I'm so sorry, but please go to sleep my son. [the voice fades]

Ehyeh's Voice: Our work here is done! I guess after this, I will work on a paradise for my sister and I! [voice fades]

Ben/Normal: *phew* I'm beat!

Jen/Human: Me too. I am definitely taking a vacation.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: You guys look alright.

Emerson/Void Dark: Impossible, Why? Was the spear found me unworthy?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: You said the spear is forged by God and His sister so of course you'll be too tired to use its power. It drained a lot from you didn't it? Descendant of Cain!!

Emerson/Void Dark: Hehehehe! You knew! All along you knew!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: What I don't understand is why? Why destruction? Is world domination the only thing in the mind of the Tetherby?

Emerson/Void Dark: N-no, your majesty. I wanted *cough* to change the world and make it better *pant*. Humanity has failed over and over again. Somewhere in my thoughts, maybe returning the world in its former state during the beginning of time is the solution. Restarting everything from scratch like a game.

Ben: That is like warping reality to your own image. Just like... I don't want to say its name... [he was interrupted by Lincoln]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: [grabs the nearby Spear of Destiny and points it at Emerson] You think that restarting everything is the way? Look around you, this is no game. This is reality that we are toying with.

Suddenly a voice came in and rush to Lincoln.

Logan/Knighwing: Dad!!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Logan! How are you here?

Emerson: Logan, it is you.

Logan/Knightwing: You! You did this!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Now, now my boy!

Emerson: Hehehehe... hey Logs! Don't you want your mother back!?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Don't you dare bring her to this!!

Emerson: I *cough* could have made a grateful universe like I imagine it. People stops arguing, all in sync on one sovereignty!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Like we said... playing god. Not a solution, because there are a lot of things to consider. One is that they will cease to make choice and evolve if you control them. Without arguments, you can never truly understand someone's point-of-view. Light cannot be appreciated without living in the dark shadows. Life cannot be loved without death. Love is not possible without choice. I hope you understand me.

Logan/Knightwing: Dad.

Emerson: Ah, I see. Just like Cain the murderer. Immortality caused him so much pain, so that he could appreciate life and make him realize what he did to his brother. Your majesty, Logs, I have one last request: put an end to my misery. I have enough of this cursed world. Maybe you guys could fix it.

Logan/Knightwing: ....

-Chapter End-

Epilogue Choices
Creation: Those Who Carry On!
Destruction: Absolute Power!!
Neutral: Truth and Lies!!

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