Lost in Sentiments

427 19 40

Yena stirred awake a little then roamed her still drowsy eyes around the room, and there she looked at the dim light from her lampshade colliding with the moonlight coming from the outside through her half-opened window: just how she always likes it to be. She was about to sit up straight from her bed not until she felt a weight and force on her waist, pulling her down closer. And that's when she only noticed that her best friend sneaks in again inside her room, unnoticed.

"Come back here, don't leave me," the girl's muffled voice uttered. She's lying down on her stomach and her face is all snuggled to the pillow. She's trying to pull Yena closer to her, afraid that the latter would leave.

"When did you get here again, Yuri?" asked Yena as she fixed the blanket she's now sharing with the girl beside her.

Yuri, the girl who's lying down beside her, finally shifted her head to face her friend as she struggled to open her sleepy eyes, but what welcomed her suddenly made her smile.

"You're wearing my gift," Yuri said, eyeing the pyjamas the older girl is wearing. It is a Toy Story patterned pyjamas. And knowing how the older girl loves Toy Story so much, she knew Yena would wear it every time. The former smiled even wider when Yena went back to lie down beside her.

"Everything okay at work?" Yena asked. She stared at Yuri while her hand automatically went upwards to fix the strands of the younger girl's hair.

Unconsciously, she smiled. Yuri is so beautiful and angelic, in fact, no other words can describe her beauty. Even the words angelic and beautiful are an understatement for Yena. To her, she thinks, Yuri is unmatchable.

"Hmmm. Not really. Students are so annoying. You know, teens are a bunch of brats," Yuri replied and the older girl could definitely notice the annoyance and patience tiring out in her voice.

She chuckled as she found it cute. Everything she does, to Yena, it's just way too adorable to handle.

"Hmm, professor Jo. Aren't you a brat too?" Yena clicked her tongue while she pulled her friend closer trying to annoy her, but it did the opposite because the younger pulled her back as well, clinging so hard as if she could go any closer.

"I should have applied as a kindergarten teacher instead. At least, kids are a lot more tolerable than teenagers," Yuri said, tapping her index finger on Yena's chest as she tunes into her breathing.

"Well, considering that you are quite short-tempered. I don't think handling kids would be a better idea," Yena said, trying to stifle a laugh which Yuri immediately noticed, causing her to shoot a glare at the older.

"Yah!" Yuri could frown and glare a hundred times, and Yena would still find ways to annoy her. Well, they get more irritable at times if one will not annoy the other.

"I missed you," Yuri suddenly said as she looked up to face the older, once again. Yena showed her a timid smile— Yuri couldn't even tell if that's a smile at all.

And just like that, the atmosphere around them changes.

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