Chapter 4

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"SMOOOCH" THEY KISSED! Miki was embarrsed, Her face burning red hot. So was Kaito. "S-sorrry" Kaito said "I Should say s-sorry" Miki said. The plane landed and embarrsed got up and got off the plane. Since then tney haved looked eachother at the eye. When they arrived at the hotel , they shated the room. 2 people had to share the same room. "BANG BANG BANG" gun shot! Miki was in her hotel room when she heard the gunshot noise. Running she went room 402 where she heard the gunshot. The dokr was locked. A person came by and told to bring the key. The person ran and got it and she unlocked tne room amd there was the body. The body with blood all over the room. She went in and told the person who got the key to call the police. She touched the persons neck to see if he was still alive. "No good, he isnt alive"

"WEWOO WEWOOO" police cars coming. They entered the room. "Ohh isn't Detective Miki?" "Inspector Takagi!" "Hello, Detective Miki." "Hi, wait why is there a samurai coustume next to the body?" " Its the curse of the samurai"said an old man. "The curse of the samurai? please tell me more." "It started when Kijiro's father takto killed the samurai. Kijiro shimishimi, the son of a murder.said the old man

We say that when a body dies here in this area or hotel it is the curse of the samurai who got killed in this exact room. The samurai wanted revenge on Kijiro's father was cruel but his son is crueler. THE SAMURAI swore revenge for good. So this is the doing of the samurai. Looking for Kijiro." "Kijiro Shimishimi? The stalker who is following me and is crazy?" She thought as she heard more.

Detective Miki: the curse of the samuraiWhere stories live. Discover now