Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 : Jumbled Thoughts

 As they came to the house next door and noticied the samurai suit. Mik began to wonder "If the Samurai is going after people who betrayed him , Inspector Tagakai, Me, Kimiko, and this person right here. Huh, what is that? A  ripped peice of paper?.  She went to go pick it up. She read it it said '' HELP I WAS KILL....''  It was ripped. But there was a letter of the killers name that it started with and the first leetter was C.S, wait initals! C.S. reminds me of Conan Star, the boy part of the gang,''It couldn't be him he's is so nice maybe he did leave for a bathroom break and more bathroom breakswhen the crimes happened but he  couldn't? Right'' Miki thought to herself. But still why would he kill people he really don't know but the note or letter said i'm next. Maybe the killer mixed up no it couldnt be. So many thoughts in my mind and i can't finish everything at once.''

Then Ran came over to me and said ''are you alright, your face looks alittle pale" ''Thanks for worring but i'm alright just soo many thoughts that are j.....j....j....j.....umbled together, Somehow I felt dizziness that made my head hurt and made me faint. How did this happen was the killer about to strike me next. Then something warm got to hold me it was strong and warm and i felt consisness approach me i fell in a deep sleep.

Dream inside Miki

  Huh. suddendly I woke up and then I saw my dear m......mother. ''Mother, but how?''     '' Miki, are you alright what happened are you ok. Finally you woke up.,'' worried mom said. ''Wait, where am i again?''  '' Of course in the hospital. You've been asleep for 5 days already." What 5 days but it seemed like 5 hours to me. '' Oh.mother how am i glad to see you again but aren't you with the lord ?'' i said confused. ''Am I...." i kept on saying. Mother said 'No honey you are pretty much alive we just came to see you. " Mom said. But who is we? I aked mother. She replied saying of couse the whole familly. Here they are Klaus, Elias,Luca,Yukiya, Honey and Of Course Your FATHER" " I am so happy to see you guys again yet you came far away to see me but i still need to solve the case they trust me. I cant abandon theere trust like that" i said. " That's our girl, remever we are always with you and no matter what happens to you we are by your side to help you, to help you solve everything that cant be solved so smile and be proud that you are the detective and lived. Remeber to call Honey and Elias for me. Luca,Klaus,Me and your mother are gonna be with you so remever these words and keep on smiling." said dad and i was on the verge of tears when mmom said this word to meke me really cry"We love you and stay strong goodbye." 'no don't leave why.." and tears overwhelmed in my eyes and i began to cry so hard that my vision was blurred.

Finally I woke up and yet there are tears streaming down my cheeks."Miki are you ok??" asked Ran. 'Hmm, where am I and what happened?" i said lookinhg around. " You fainted and Kaito carried you here it was the nearst anyway." replied conan with a cold voice and glare. 'OH, Thank you vey all much and im sorry for making trouble and thank you Kaito for caring me all the way here. His faced was embaressed and still the words of my parents could leave my mind. Were they tring to help me regain my  confidence and find answer to my jumbled up thoughts? i mutterd to mmyself well they helped me alot seeing them made me really happy to keep on track and concentrate,

     Let the Journey Begin    

was the final words that my parents always said when there was an actually Journey.

Detective Miki: the curse of the samuraiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora