Chapter 8

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Then I got back to business. ''So if the samurai is going to strike me or insector tagagki, wouldnt't he already be striking us or is he or she waiting for the right moment to come.'' Even though i was already striked, how did he do it. Or was it just that i was thinking too much that i just fainted.

''RING RING RING'' rang me cellphone or was it a message. ''Unkown?'' i said outloud. ''Hello?'' I put the voice on speaker.

''Well well it isn't Dtective Miki, So if you wanna live bring me 1,000,000$, and bring me the treasure of you, you have to be with me with forever. Remeber if you want me to stop killing people you will and have to come with me to a far away place and bring the money with you. Thursday , that is the next 3 days meet me at River Hill at 4;00 p.m." said the voice ''Who are you ''Insprctor saiid taking away my phone to speak. But he hang up. '' Thursday River hill 4p.m.,1 ,000,000$, bring MIKI?'' SAID Kaito.

I was wondering if i should tell them that if should i say someting about the letters i got. Then Ran Pushed me towards Kaito.'' H-Hey, what are you doing'' both , me and kaito said at the same time.

Ran, what is she doing. "Anyway, this Kijiro person wrote me 2 letters, inspector read it, it sounds weird and creepy". I got the letters out of my pocket and gave it to the Inspector. He read it feeling disgusted. "Ok, Kaito who sits next to you?" Asked Inspector Tagaki. "Um,I think it is a very weird boy named Kijiro" replied kaito.

So the letter was true. I am not sure if I can feel free because of this crazy creep. And yet why do I still think that I know where he's going to strike next. Every place was a part of a city I enjoyed. Next place that i enjoyed was oh no.

It can't be no, not the dog house, my mom rescued it. "Amu!" I ran to the dog house where i usally go see the puppy. I ran to the dog house.

Oh, still good she is okay. "Ahhhhhhhh" screamed a voice next door. "Oh,no it's not really happening I took Amu and carrief her pup. I ran to the next door. "Follow Amu!" "Woof " replied Amu. I ran and then....

"No Kai, i cant believe it. Amu are you alright." I said to Amu. Amu was weeping even tears were in her eyes. What about the Pup? Oh no he is also sad. The Pup no longer has a dad. No i ruined everything. Then i started to cry. Tears rolling down my face.

I'll name the pup Kimiko, yes the pup is a good girl. "Kimiko please don't cry, you too amu. I'm so sorry it all my fault" i said then bothcame both came close to me and hugged me. It's like i knew what they were saying.

Then came Everyone. They saw Kai. Ran came close to me and hugged me. "Oh No, Kai he didn't .... right" she was on the verge of tears. Both me and Ran use to play with them in Tokyo then we had to send them to Houko.

Amu and Kimiko were going near Kai and then they picked up something and brought it to me. It was a note.

Dear Miki,
Isn't it sad that your presicous family died. Well then see me tomorrow 10 a.m at the Café at Moon Hall. I will be wearing a blue moon mask. Bring no one with you. I will accept your fendish pets.

Blue Moon. I loved that mask. Café Hall was the café I always dreamed of going. Why is this happening. Then Kimiko went somewhere sniffing and i followed her with Amu and ran. Behind us were The gang and Inspector with one policewomen? Kimiko barked at her mom saying something and there was another not with a necklace. It said " To: Only Miki From: Taktou Suwa." Dad wrote this letter? I got the necklace and wore it. I opened up the letter and read it.

Dear Sweetheart Miki,
If you fimd this this letter when we are no longer in this world then remeber we love you. I am not going to be able to do help you out in detective work. I am sure you are doing great. Yet, still the last case i hadnt solve was about the samurai. Yes the samurai. If you look in the drawer below this letter the 2nd one there is a file named Case # 12365. It has some clues and evidence that may help you. The samurai has been the one who made us dissappear in a world where we are now. Your mother had said to me, when Miki is old enough tell her to go to her room and open tje closet where she pits all her jewerly and take all of it. Take it and find a note where it will gibe you a smile on your face. Miki, darling we lobe you. Please note that you can also be a good no a famous detective.
Your family
There was a picture with our family. And there was a happy face drawn on the back of the picture.

Then i opened the drawer and there was only one file that said Case #12365 I took it and opened it there were so many papers and pictures. Then i told the Inspector "i think we have some clues. I will be going somewhere if you like please follow me." I took the letter and stashed it in my bag.

Then i went to my mother's and father's room. The jewerly box i took out and there was a note with a braclet. I took the letter. It said " Smile"
It actually worked.

Then I went to my parents bed and looked under the bed. "Clue" I said smirking. I pulled out the button of criminals Jacket!

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