Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Criminal Weirdo

Clue # 1 found. Clue #2,also foumd, footprints. Guess the criminal didnt notice it. The smirk on my face didnt dissappear until I noticed something another note or letter. So So I went to pick it up.

Dear Darling Miki,

As we are gone we want to tell you one thing, remeber your child hood friend Kaito? He will be indanger. Please be near him all time. This has been told by the criminal himself, we habe promised Kaito's parents tjat we will take care of him when they were in America. There is one more thing, Kaito still thinks his parents are in America but sadly they passed away when they were in a plane crash. Please he will habe to move into your apartment.

Simcerly, Mom

Then a phone call came.

Hello, eh i see. But did u ask her . Oh ok!" Kaito said and he looked at me. "Um, Miki the hotel mangar called me and said that here was no more rooms so he said...... that i had to be in the same room with you? Is it alright?" He continued "if not then..." " It's alright, " i said.

But im not doing this for the lovey mushy stuff, for protection, i dont want to lose anymore people that helped me!

Then Ran's face turned into a smirk but then suddenly the lights turned off. Everyone was panicking even the poilce men. "W-whats happening?" "Is this a joke?" "What's going on?"

Huh, is that a bullet? Or a some kind of weird toy?

Then my feet and hands moved on its own and i pushed Kaito back.

Gladly it missed him but oh no! Inspector!

Then the woman came rushing and pulled him away.

Wow, that was close. Why is this happening? Why is this maniac doing? Conan? What is he doing! Why isn'the dodging the bullet?
" Conan, get out of there! " Ran said screaming

"No, i deserve this!" He said.

"Why? You didn't do anything!" Said Ran
"I did i killed Ms. SAKURA!" Said Conan What!

"No way! Please no. Why would y-you?" I said.
Then The police men ran to him and pushed him then! "R-remember to l-ook ---" said the police men that..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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