Chapter 8

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After finishing breakfast, Serephina and Nicolas made their way to the study hall passing a few maids and nymphs who bowed to them. Serephina had assumed that they would be treated like royalty, yet she hadn't expected them to bow.

"You could at least smile to them, you know." She ignored Nicolas speeding her pace as she went ahead of him. Ugh, she couldn't stand him. She had accepted his cheap apology and even managed to have the guts to tell him the truth: they weren't friends. They were two people who only knew each other by name and physical appearances.

He doesn't know anything about me. And he has never bothered to.

She was willing to be cordial to him, but it still annoyed her his need to always make a comment.

Like can't he shut the hell up!

Serephina reached the study hall, passing portrait after portrait of nymphs and apprentice(who she figured had made such an impact on their studies that were honored with paintings), though they all had Great Willa standing next to them. She wanted to laugh. Poor girls—was that their lives ambition: getting a painting posing next to the most ancient and intolerable person alive?

Serephina figured that the were to enter the room where a maiden waited outside next to a vase filled with yellow roses. They reminded Serephina of that time when she had waited for her Aunt in the hall's of the Institute, mid-winter. She had been standing in the hall, holding the hand of maid whose face she could no longer remember, her legs shaking. Her Aunt had been summoned to speak with Great Willa, and Serephina knew that every time she was called in to "talk" Rohana left the Institute with a new mark on her arm. And Serephina had been a small girl back then, but she hadn't been small enough to not realize that it was because of her. Her Aunt had come out of the room, wiping away at her cheeks, plastering on a smile as soon as she caught sight of Serephina. Serephina remembered how she had smiled back at her Aunt, holding back her own tears, knowing damn well she could not cry or else her Aunt would pay the price. 

It hadn't been the first time.

  "Serephina?" Serephina flinched when she felt Nicolas' hand on her shoulder, drawing back. He raised his hands, as if signaling okay-I'm-sorry-I won't-touch-you. Serephina felt bad that she made Nicolas believe she had flinched because of his touch, but decided it was better to just forget it.

She turned to the maid instead, offering what she hoped looked like a sincere smile. She internally sighed in relief when the maid returned her smile. She greeted them, lowering her head in reverence. "Mrs. Rose"— she addressed Serephina first—"Mr. North. You are expected inside." She bowed before hurrying off past them.

Nicolas watched her go before opening the door, offering it to Serephina. "Ladies first."

Serephina sneered, entering the room. Inside she found a round crystal table set with three chairs and standing next to it was a young girl around Serephina's age. She had short, wavy, brown hair, icy-blue eyes that shone as she smiled at Serephina. "Greetings oh mighty ones," she smirked, feigning a curtsy. Nicolas eyed her, then turned to Serephina brow raised as if to say, what's up with her?

Serephina shrugged, no idea.

The cocky, young girl noticed their silent conversation. "Okay, I guess you're wondering who the fuck is this wacko who stands in front of you." She paced around the table, eyes locked on them. "Well this beauty here"—she threw her hair back, winking. —"is named Adelis and I'm the one who will be recording your journey."

Nicolas raised a brow, judging. "But you're young."

No kidding, idiot.

Adelis giggled, coming forward to greet them. "Yes, I am. Great Willa figured that it would better if the one who recorded your process was someone young." She smiled at Serephina. "You know, so it wouldn't be awkward talking about all the physical and sexual stuff. I mean can you imagine one of the those rigorous, virgin nymphs taking notes of all the dirty stuff you guys are going to do." She nickered. "I mean can you? I would pay to see their faces!"

Serephina found herself smiling, Adelis was indeed the right person for this job. Serephina didn't even flinch at the mention of the word sex given to the tone she used. Adelis said it so at ease.

"How old are you?"

She appeared their exact age but she could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. Like the time she had been asked to watch a child who she had assumed was six but turned out to be ten. Note yourself: a child of the age of ten can be very, very small.

"If you don't mind me asking," Serephina added.

"Eighteen. Right arou—exactly your age." She grinned at them and motioned for the table—for them to sit. "Oh! We're going to have so much fun."

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