Chapter 19

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Hera helped Serephina carry her books, and Nicolas couldn't help but feel it should be him carrying those books not Hera. 

But he wasn't.

 Instead he was surrounded by his friends holding Juliet's hand and laughing at some random stupid joke he hadn't really found that  funny. 

"Why don't we go somewhere else?" Juliet whispered into Nicolas' ear. "We have thirty minutes before the bell rings." 

Nicolas smirked at her, excusing himself from their friends, and pulling her away to their usual secret hiding spot. The one they had sneaked into for the past three months. 

Nicolas placed Juliet against the bookshelf in the back of the abandoned music room on the fourth floor, kissing her down the neck. Juliet pulled herself up wrapping her thin, long legs around Nicolas' waist. Her fingers roamed in his hair, and she moaned out his name as she pressed herself into him. Nicolas smiled against her neck, his hands trailing up her legs, when suddenly his vision went white, and then choked. He staggered back coughing, rasping for air.

"Nicolas?" Juliet grimaced. "Are you alright?"

Nicolas tried to open his mouth but he couldn't. He needed Serephina. Her touch, her presence near him. "S-Ser-rephi..." he stammered trying to make out the words. "Get-t her!" 

Juliet nodded, racing out of the room and to the elevator. Nicolas braced himself leaning into the bookshelf, his breathing uneven. He could reach Serephina before Juliet, he knew that. Great Willa had mentioned in once, said that the bond that two Rumions shared could transpired into something more powerful. If they only gave themselves the chance. 

"Soon you might even be able to reach each other telepathically, if your feelings are tied," Great Willa had stated, her voice low as if the secret wasn't meant for Nicolas' ears. 

Nicolas was vaguely aware that they're feelings weren't tied--it was too early for that. But now seemed like an excellent moment to give it a trial run, even if it failed. 

Serephina, he thought—well more like cried out inside his head. I need you

He felt as if the air inside his lungs was slowly culminating, his braincells shutting down. Gods, he shouldn't have separated from her not this quick. Not when they were still understanding how there blood-bond worked.

"Nicolas?" Serephina's sweet, gentle voice resonated through the open door. 

"Her-re," he managed to get out turning to the door just in time to see her walk in looking anxious.

 "What happened to you?" Serephina asked as she came towards him, running her hand across his cheek. 

He sighed in relief as air filled his lungs. "Where's Juliet?" 

Serephina scowled. "She was ordered to class, the teachers caught her; I was only able to go because I explained it was a Rumion emergency which they were more than eager to oblige." Nicolas didn't miss how she spat the words 'Rumion' with a huff, almost rolling her eyes. 

She's angry with me. 

"I'm s-sorry," he frowned. He hadn't thought of the implications of what it meant for her to be here. Serephina had probably been in class. Nicolas could imagine how it must have looked for Juliet to storm into the class, asking for her. What must have everyone thought when she had to inform that it was a Rumion emergency--an emergency that wouldn't be if her Rumion hadn't sneaked away with his girlfriend. It didn't take much to put two and two together and understand what had happened. People already  judged Serephina enough...what would they think of her now? 

"There's nothing to apologize for. I mean, if you don't count the part of being an idiot and going off with your girlfriend to make out while you should have been helping me deal with the questions that everyone had, then yes. Yes,  you do have something to apologize for. But I mean, who apologizes for that, right?"

"Serephina, I didn't know—"

"How could you have known?" She leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek which made his heart skip a beat. "I don't blame you. I would have done the same if i had a super hot boyfriend." Nicolas felt ashamed of himself, he should have been with her. At least, today of all days. Still Serephina had come.

  She had to, you dumb ass, a cynical little voice hissed at the back of his head, and Nicolas casted it aside, embarrassed of himself. 

"Come on we're already late for class," she informed him as she helped him up. All he could do was nod as they left the room and rounded the corner going down the stairs. "I...just hope it doesn't happen again," she said after they had taken a few steps down. "I don't want to be—" she stopped abruptly considering her words

"—missed. I don't want to miss my classes. Like Juliet said: I'm a top student, unlike her and you." 

And with that, she hurried down the stairs.


Well hello guys! I'm sorry I hadn't posted, been very busy with some stuff, plus I've been really intrigued with some books here and currently writing my upcoming story (which I'm dying for you guys to read!). 

We're almost up to 20 episodes and I couldn't be more thankful to everyone who has gotten until this point. Thank you for reading!!

Anyways, I think we can all agree that Nicolas can be extremely...stupid sometimes, no? He doesn't seem to think beyond himself and his own feelings and needs. Yeah no, that definitely must change!!

Let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you liked it, hit that star at the top at your right!💕

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