Chapter 22

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Serephina cried and cried for what seemed like a lifetime, crouched down at the feet of her door.  She wasn't sure what had come over her or why she felt so alone, but the truth was everything seemed that way. She knew she couldn't blame Nicolas for her attitude towards Adelis, but it was better than admitting her errors. 

Like the fact that she had abandoned Adelis for no reason or that Serephina suddenly felt a huge anger towards her because of her job. But it couldn't be shaken off. Adelis worked for Great Willa and her purpose at the institute was to them. 

How they interacted with one another?

How did Serephina feel about Nicolas?

 Could the blood-bond be more powerful that the gods themselves? 

It all consumed Adelis and even though she didn't ask in directly she did let on hints. But what could Serephina tell her? 

That no: she despited Nicolas. 

No: they weren't more powerful than the gods—how could they? 

And about the interaction part, Serephina wasn't so sure if the answer would please Adelis. Things were different and she feared that if Adelis did go to the game they would get even worse. 

Would she observe them instead of the game? Serephina had a sudden image of Adelis trying to get the game stopped just for her to get Nicolas to touch Serephina in order for more strength. The thought made her want to crawl inside a hole. 

And it lingered in the back of her head constantly, the fact that it had been her who had asked Nicolas for an open relationship. Wouldn't that make Adelis' job more difficult...? Would she hate her if she knew... 

"She wouldn't do that," she whispered to herself. And continued whispering that all through the night. 

Serephina was up before the alarm went off. It was 11:35 only five minutes left before the game began. They were running late and she knew it. She could also feel Nicholas anxiety through the door. She was sure he hadn't slept at all. The players usually never did before a big game. And Serephina knew how much this game meant for the team, and Nicolas.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" She asked once they were down the staircase, placing in the last pins in her hair.  

He raised a brow, smugly. "You mean take a nap?" She nodded. "Only cats do that."

 "Thats not true!" Serephina turned bright red, her voice squeaky. "Bears do too." 

He smirked at her, reaching the end of the stairs before her. "No, they go into hibernation. Which is an entirely different thing." 

She glared at him. "You think you're funny?"

"I know I am, butterphina," he said with a wink, his brown hair all tussled at the front of his head. Serpehina quickly fixed it, pushing it back. She couldn't help but admitting it. He looked nice today, in a way...

"You're not," Adelis chipped in as she appeared around the column at the end of the stairs,  wearing tight black jeans and a blue crop-top. Serephina dropped her hand, stepping back.  

"Don't crush my dream, honey," Nicolas said after him as he continued on down the hall, his cheeks slightly colored as he went.  

And leaving Serephina alone with Adelis. Serephina began fidgeting with her fingers, reminding herself that she was being stupid.  

"I like your outfit," she finally settled on that.

Adelis ignored that. "Are you okay?"

 "I'm fine...just have jiggles, being captain of the cheerleading team and everything." Serephina allowed herself to seek out her friend's comfort if just for a second. "Plus it's my first game after Bloodlusted ceremony. I don't know how it'll work today." 

Adelis offered her a warm smiled, lacing her arm around Serephina's. "The same. Everything will be fine, don't worry. Plus you have to be cheerful!" Adelis giggled. "Get it?" 

Serephina grumbled knowing the moment had passed, "You've been spending a lot of time with Nicolas." 

Adelis shrugged frowning. "Yeah." She suddenly gasped, placing her hand on her chest. "What if I become like him?! Gods, no!"

 "I heard that!" Nicolas called from the doorway, scowling. They both burst to laughing.


Okay, so yes, Serephina is being very emotional and overthinking everything lately. But trust me, this won't last long. She and Adelis just need to fix their friendship--mostly Serephina has to come to terms with the fact that Adelis has to do her job no matter what, sadly. 

If you were Serephina, would you be confused with your friendship with Adelis too? 

Thanks for continuing reading, and to those who leave those little encouraging comments that mean SO MUCH <3

Don't forge guys, to vote if you enjoyed this chapter, and comment your thoughts on what you think Serephina should do! 

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