Chapter 15

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"What do mean where staying here?" Serephina knew she should keep her voice down, Great Willa didn't do well with turmoil, but at the moment Serephina didn't give a fuck.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down," Nicolas warned shoving her in the nearest closet. They had been strolling the institute's halls making fun of the paintings, Serephina in awe that she was...actually enjoying spending time with him. That he could be funny, and make her laugh. That was until Nicolas had casually dropped the bomb (well news, but she felt it like a bomb to her).

Serephina blushed at having Nicolas so close to her before she pushed off him, scoffing. "Don't tell me to shut up!"

"I'm not telling you to shut up I'm telling to keep it down." His gray eyes met her, his pupils expanding in the dim light as he threw a quick glance at the door, his hand reaching for the knob.

She pointed an accusing finger at his face. "Explain yourself, now!" And as Serephina uttered the words, she felt the air sizzle, her voice laced with command. She felt a tug, something tightening in her chest. 

Nicolas went rigid, his eyes widened before the words stumbled out of him. "I heard Adelis receiving orders directly from Great Willa to inform us that this is now our permanent home."

Serephina gasped, her eyes flying to her hand as if she could see the magic that run beneath her skin of the blood-bond. Had I willed the blood-bond to force on him to speak, she wondered, sorta horrified and yet intrigued.

She felt dizzy, consumed with the rush of such powerful information. She looked up at Nicolas, afraid of what she would see in his features.  Would he be mad at her? Appalled?

Nicolas' eyes held no emotions, his face as kind, and tense as it had been seconds ago.

Had he not even noticed...?

She was about to inquire if he had felt something when suddenly the words registered in her head: this is now our permanent home.

"What?" Serephina shrieked like a scared guinea pig.

Nicolas' hand flew to her mouth as voices of nuns passed the hall. "Shh! Serephina, I need you to stay quiet. This isn't something we're supposed to know."

Serephina peeled his hand away, smearing the back of her palm across her lips as she said, "But we do, don't we?"

She tried to calm herself down. They couldn't stay here. That would mean they would be on constant watch and then she wouldn't be able to see other people, or have moments alone where people wouldn't just question her blood-bond with Nicolas. Serephina had known she wouldn't be returning to her home, she knew that Nicolas are her were meant to stay together from now on; she had imagined they would be given a house, somewhere far away from the media and nosy neighbors...but the institute...?

"We have to convince them otherwise," she begged him. "Please, we must change their minds."

"Why?" Nicolas words were casual as if he weren't at all bothered by the thought.

"Why?" She hissed back his words. "Because I don't want to live here, that's why."

"But its not up to you is it?" He leaned in caressing her cheek. He needed the touch, she realized slightly annoyed. She too needed it, but that didn't stop her from grumbling and pushing him away as she barged out of the closet. Nicolas called after her but she ignored him determined to find Adelis.

Serephina headed straight for her study, her steps hurried and angry. She knew she couldn't stump like she had done once when little, but inside she felt like she was doing exactly that.

Adelis was picking up some books from the far off shelve in the study room. Serephina noticed she had changed out of her earlier attire as she gazed at Adelis' matched long blue pants, tight black shirt tucked beneath a darker blue blazer looking stunning as always. She had braided her hair, leaving a few strands loose, probably on purpose.

  She barely turned to acknowledge Serephina. "I know why you here."

Serephina stopped death. Wow, she was fast, Serephina thought, raising a skeptical brow at Adelis' back.

Or was I really stumping? She thought frantically, blushing bright red from embarrassment. 

Adelis faced her, her features set in a mild look. Serephina was about to demand how could she have not told her when Adelis cracked a wicked grin. "You want me to make you a makeover tonight for tomorrow!" Adelis dropped the books laughing like a child as she gripped Serephina's hand. "We are gonna make you look like a queen! And those bitches who are gonna glare at you—cause trust me they will, are gonna feel so mad cause they'll have to admit you look like a fucking goddess!"

"Which you always do," she added with a wink, her eyes filled with excitement.

Serephina didn't know what to say, she had frozen the moment the words left Adelis' mouth unable to bear ruining her happiness. So Serephina could only nod as she plastered the most believable smile she could.

Someone chuckled from the door and Serephina didn't have to guess whose laugh it belonged to. He was bound to catch with her after all. She swirled on her feet the moment Adelis went to pick the books she had dropped.

Don't you dare say a word, she warned him.

I wouldn't dream of it, his eyes said.

She rolled her eyes after giving the dirties look she could muster. Then she said to Adelis, smiling warmly walking towards the door, "I'll see you in my room tonight then. How's eight?"

"Perfect." Adelis' smile was pure joy and Serephina had to grip Nicolas' arm from spoiling her happiness. She pulled him out into the hallway, closing the door after her leaving Adelis twirling around in the room, singing 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun'.

Serephina suppressed her laugh as she turned to face Nicolas who was grinning foolishly. "And am I, too, invited to the sleepover?"

She scowled. "Hahaha, pretty funny. No, yours won't be tonight." The words slipped her mouth before she realized them. If possible his grin grew wider.

"Ohhhh, is that right now? And tell me"—he slipped his arm around her waist—"butterphina, when will ours be?" Serephina allowed the blood-bond to absorb as much as she allowed it. It pulled on her on strings, her body yearning for this exact touch. But Serephina had promised herself she would fight the blood-bond. This Bloodlust curse wouldn't consume her.

Control her.

"How about—never?" She wiggled out of his arms. "I'll see you tomorrow." She made down the hall, but glanced over her shoulder as she added, "At school, in case you got any ideas."

Nicolas roared out laughing along with a vulgar comment that probably shouldn't have been said in hall of religious spirituals.



Hey guys, I hope you've been enjoying the story. I've been struggling with my posting schedule in case you haven't noticed jajajaja, but I promise to be more consistent from now on. I've also been trying to add more detail as much as I can! Either way, thank you for reading, comment if you want and vote if you liked this chapter <3

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