Chapter 21

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"Today's the first game of the season, right?" Adelis asked Nicolas and Serephina, both who had been doing their best not to stare at each other. After yesterday's violin session, Serephina had basically kicked Nicolas out and evaded him all throughout the dinner. He knew he ought to apologize, but the words became a swirl of mixed emotions every time he practiced what to say. Guilt was eating at him, but at the same time, he felt a victim to the bond's chains. He had merely sneaked away with his girlfriend, and in the act almost ran out of air.

Nicolas nodded, raising his gaze. His brows crunched together, taken back. "Serephina didn't tell you?"

Serephina lowered her gaze, suddenly interested in her history book. Nicolas bit his lower lip, he couldn't help but feel he had said something out of place.

Adelis glanced at Serephina, but she wouldn't met her gaze. "No, she must have forgotten." Nicolas knew there was no way Serephina could have forgotten, not when she was the captain of the cheerleading squat, and was in charge of the after party.

That is if we win, he thought bitterly. The team hadn't been on their best recently, with so many fights among themselves, lack of energy and most importantly, his own problems which seemed to bother the team. It wasn't his fault that he hadn't been able to concentrate in the last few months. It wasn't as if his father or coach made it any easy on him.

"I'm sorry...I just had so much going on, I forgot to tell you." Nicolas saw the way Serephina cringed in her seat, they way she adverted her eyes in order to not look at Adelis. He couldn't stand it.

"You're invited of course!"

"What?" They both said in union.

Nicolas nudged Serephina's leg. "Yes, you can come, Adelis. I feel terrible I hadn't told you before." Serephina locked eyes with Nicolas, continuing, her voice swift. "I would love it if you came." She nudged him right back—hard. "We both would."

Adelis beamed yet it didn't reach her eyes, Serephina tried as hard to hold a smile, and Nicolas wondered what the hell he had done.

"Don't bite my head off," Nicolas chinned as he threw himself against the door covering his face. They had finished their food quickly alone. Adelis had excused herself when a sister had come looking for her, demanding she come with her immediately. Nicolas wondered what was so urgent that Adelis had to leave her positions as their historian recorder, but couldn't quite focuses on that thought when Serephina kept biting her bottom lip, sighing loudly all through the rest of the meal.

"I won't do anything, you idiot," she said walking towards the desk at the end of the parlor. "Your mess, your responsibility."

"What—no!" He scurried after her, pulling her back by the arm. "I did this for you. So you could fix things with Adelis."

Did you? Or did you do this out of guilt...?

He ignored the voice inside his head, waiting for her response.

"Nothings broken there."

He snorted. "Oh yeah? There isn't? Then what the hell was that excuse? 'I had so much going I forgot to tell you.'" Nicolas shook his head, scoffing. " You think she's dumb?"

"She is if she doesn't get that message behind that," Serephina snapped, but yet she hadn't pulled away. Nicolas wanted to believe that it was because she didn't wish to, and not because the blood-bond.

"And what would be that exactly?" He asked as he leaned in, smelling the rose perfume she had on.

Serephina gritted her teeth, slumping her shoulders. "That I don't want her there!"

Nicolas saw the tears that begged to spill down her cheeks; he let his hand fall, letting it trace down her arm. "What happened?" Beside him being an ass, of course. Or messing up everything as it is too.

"You happened." Her only words before she twirled and bursted through her room, shutting the door behind her with enough anger that it could rattle a mountain.


Is Serephina being tiny bit dramatic, or is it justified with so many emotions and things going on? Personally I think she's just very much overwhelmed and unsure on how to handle her stuff, I think we've all had those moments.

This chapter was very brief, but the next one won't be as much, promise! Comment what you thought of this situation and if Nicolas was in the right to try to help... and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! <3

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