chapter three

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I saw Victoria. This can't be happening not now. I stood up and she gave me this evil smile.

She came came closer, but when she got close to the window she stopped.

She put her hand out and gasped. "Bella I can't get in you have your shield up, why?"

I lifted my arm and pointed. "That's why Edward it's Victoria." He hollered for Jasper and Alice.

"Bella can you please just lower your shield long enough for us to come in?" I turned and looked at Edward .

"I did, it's not me it's Cheyenne she protecting me, she knows what Victoria wants." Edward looked at me confused.

"What!" He asked. "Your not going to like this but she here for me and Cheyenne."

I open my mind to Cheyenne and told her she needed to go to her daddy.
But to that she had to lower her shield.

It's alright, Cheyenne please do this, mommy can't protect until you. I kissed her forehead.

She lowered her shield and as I was putting into Edward arms Victoria came through the window.

I turned and some how when I raised my hand at the same time Victoria went flying.

"Baby girl shield now!" I yelled. "But Bella!" Edward said. "Edward, just keep them safe, please. I love you."

With that I jumped out the window and ran off after Victoria.

I met up with her. "Now how did you do that without touching me and your not even a vampire. Your just a mere human."

"That's where your wrong. I guess your boss left out some information." She came at me and had me against a tree in no time flat.

"And what would that be?" She snarled out. I wrapped my hand around her throat and lifted her up off the ground.

"Guess what I'm not telling you. You can go back to your boss and tell him a message for me. If he or anyone of you come near my children, I won't hesitate to kill or you."

I threw her against a tree. She took one look back at me and ran the other direction.

"I want to know myself how you did that?" I turned when I heard Edward. " I thought I told you to stay with the kids."

"You did, but I left them with Alice and Jasper, at the request of one person, but I would of anyways."

I shook my head. "Like father, like daughter." Edward walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you going to answer my question, or am I going to have to torture you to answer my question." I smiled.

"Hmmm, not sure let me think about that." Edward started to trail kiss up down my neck.

"Now, how you do that?" I started to chew on my bottom lip. "Not telling!" I giggled.

"Oh so your not going to play fair are you. Two can play at this game!"

Edward puts a hand on the tree beside me and starts trailing my jawline. "How about now!"

My heart started to beat a little faster. "Nooope!" Then he moved to my lips and licked the my bottom lip so I grant him access, which course I did.

I could not denied him when it came to kissing him. He sent sparks all through my body.

He pulled away! "I somehow tapped into both Anthony and Cheyenne gifts. I don't know how. But I guess it's because I'm there mother and we have a bond. Hey not fair Eddie!" He played a dirty trick.

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