Chapter 16

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The next couple of days have slowly been getting better. Alice made a trip to the mainland for a breast pump for Bella because she having a hard time. Cheyenne keeps biting her. So Bella said she had enough and Cheyenne was going to bottles. So Alice was going to pick up some of those to.

Which meant I get to finally help with feeding with Cheyenne. Which helped out Bella more.

She finally sat down and talked to Charlie and my dad and long story short if something happened to Renee and they couldn't locate Charlie Carlisle and Esme were to take Bella and protect her.

Which meant if she came sooner well we pretty much know what would've happen between us. Same as now.

Randy just showed back up and is upstairs talking to Bella now. I have Cheyenne with me because we thought it be safer that way place she growing.

"Dada!" I smile down at her. She starting to become more vocal now but she still shares her thoughts with me.

She points outs. Then puts her hand face and shows me running. "Oh you want daddy to take you running." She smiles big. "Emmett you watch Anthony right?" I asked. "You got it man. Besides it's almost time to feed him and you know I love our time together when he gets his blood." I chuckled. "Yes Emmett I do because you give him bear blood and tell him all your hunting adventures. Now if you don't mind I'm taking my daughter for a run."

I took off like a rocket and Cheyenne was giggling. After a while I stop and were by a cliff and I look out over the ocean.

Cheyenne puts hand over the side of my face and shows me our house and her room. "I don't know sweetheart. I like to go back there too. That's where I like to marry your mommy at." Cheyenne puts a smile on her face.

Then her face went blank like Alice's does. Her shield goes up. Her mind was being blocked from mine. Then we appeared inside the house. Esme tried to walk up. "Esme stop!" She froze! "Cheyenne you can put your shield down sweetheart." I told her.

"No!" My eyes widen. When Cheyenne said that. Then Bella appeared in front of me.

"Edward she's not going to lower it she was told not to and it wasn't by me. She had a vision like Alice." I looked at Bella confused.

"Mine and Cheyenne bound is strong remember. I seen what she seen. Jasper there's someone on a little Island not far from here."

"On it! Emmett you're with me." Jasper said. "I'm going to go get dressed." Bella said. "Oh! Randy said he help with Anthony Edward. I will talk to you soon I promise Edward there isn't time to explain. Cheyenne you know what to do mommy loves you and I will be with you soon. Edward I love you Cheyenne will get you safe first then show you what she saw." Bella explained.

"I love you to." Next I knew we were somewhere else.


As Randy and I was talking I was pulled into a vision but it wasn't mine it was Cheyenne's.


Some Vampire with red eyes appears in front of me and daddy. They grab my daddy and I fall to the ground.

I watch as they fight. My eyes grow big. I put my shield up around me. I can't leave if I do they will find my mommy and my brother.

I scream out in horror when I see daddy's head get ripped off. His body falls to the ground. The vampire throws a match on daddy.

The vampire gets on the phone. "He's taken care of sir." Then I heard the voice in the other side of the phone. "Are you sure it was Edward Cullen?"

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