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(Saying Curse warning now for each page. Also do you guys like the cover picture? I drew it myself.)

Mammon’s POV

I was walking in the halls of RAD thinking about Mc. Damn Mc, they think they are so cool by having so much grimm. Not that I am poor or in debt. I am totally fine with my money!

“Mammon! Don’t go shopping after classes, you're in a lot of debt with those witches!!!”

Ugh, I sighed and nodded then continued to walk away. Lucifer was hell bent on making sure I don’t have any fun I swear… I usually wouldn’t listen to him but today I just wanted to go to my room. I know that isn’t anything like me but I don’t wanna listen to my brothers about whatever. I left school a little bit early, all the school work was stressful. I wouldn’t let anyone know that because I am the great Mammon. They just don’t understand and completely trash me all the time for who I am. It is annoying and I can’t forget it all. I make it back and enter my room and lay on my bed. I would take a nap because I am a bit tired from negotiating with some of the witches last night. Even though I am trying to sleep, I can’t seem to close my eyes, they are burning. 

    I rub my eyes and feel that I have started to cry. Pathetic. The Great Mammon shouldn’t be crying, I am not that weak. Yet again, I am alone so nobody is here to bother me or judge me. So I curl up and grab my blanket and look for the only warmth that I can find. I cry, and cry into my pillow. The world is so heavy over me, my brothers call me names and treat me as if I am below them. Then the witches just make it worse, do none of them understand that being the avatar of greed is my literal sin?! No they don’t care, they just look past that and degrade me all the time. Ugh. If any of us brothers are pathetic it is them who don’t learn all the facts. I wipe my eyes and finally close them. Just a little nap, I am not Belphegor. 
My sleep is rudely interrupted by a pounding at my door. Just great… I sit up and quickly grab my phone and look at the camera. Dang it, you can clearly tell I was crying earlier. I set my phone down and quickly put on my fabulous sunglasses. Then I went over to open the door but apparently I took too long because the door swings open right before me. I huff, and look to see it was Lucifer staring at me a bit angrily. Just what I needed! Diavolo Damnit.
“I see you skipped last period. Wanna explain that to me? I know you went shopping.”

What the fuck is he talking about? I literally just went straight to my room. I turn away from him and grab my wallet. I look inside, my wallet is gone! Those damn witches took it last night! Just to mess with me. I turn to face Lucifer, who is staring me down waiting for a response. I just wanted to slam the door on him and lock myself inside, kinda like Levi.

“ I didn’t go shopping! Those terrible witches took it last night!”

“You were with them last night!? You know that they hate your guts! And that is your own fault, if you would just pay for all your debts!” 

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