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I am pretty sure this surprised Barbatos even more. He was silent, looked down and nodded. It will be shocking to see Barbatos having fun and not doing his duties. I smirked thinking about the party. Asmodeus and Beelzebub seemed really happy about the party. Lucifer didn't mind but was shocked a bit by Diavolo not telling him sooner. Satan didn't seem to mind, Leviathan and Belphegor didn't seem too excited. Probably wanted to do other things. I didn’t mind having a party, it will be fun. I looked over to MC who was smiling about the party and they went over to Diavolo and thanked him for the party. Diavolo smiled and I turned my attention over to what I have to deal with later. The damn witches. We all say bye and Diavolo and Barbatos leave, then Asmo goes and brings MC to his room. He yelled about a makeover or something, I just yelled back and said that I was their first. 
It is true I am their first pact made demon, none of my brothers care and they just say I say it weirdly. Well how about they get their heads out of the gutter? I see Beel go to the kitchen and Belphie joins him. Lucifer just sighs and Satan bothers him a bit, but I don’t have time to sit here and hang out with my brothers for now. I gotta see the witches and get my precious goldie back! So I head out with my sunglasses on and head to where they probably are. I see one and have a chat. 
I finally got my poor goldie back, goldie didn’t deserve to be treated so badly with those terrible witches. I got into my car and drove back. I was so tired but I needed to get back home. Will my brothers even realise I was gone or will they get angry at me for not saying anything? Why do I have to tell them what I am doing? Do I pester them with questions? Only sometimes when they are being suspicious. I arrive at the house of lamentation, or home as I should say. It doesn’t feel like home most of the time though. I enter and I walk a bit and try to head to my room and do some online shopping with my darling. I get stopped by Leviathan though.

“Where have you been? Lucifer has been on an angry rampage and throwing things in his office.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I quickly headed to my room and I heard Lucifer, Levi was right about him being angry. I grab my D.D.D and text Lucifer telling him that I was getting my goldie earlier and there is no reason to be so angry. I think that gave away the fact that I am home. I heard loud hurried footsteps getting louder and louder. I knew he was on his way to my room. I just wanted him to leave me alone at least for one day. I am a big boy, I can handle myself most of the time. My door bursts open and I can see that he is in his demon form, but he is slowly cooling down. Yes I end up getting extremely yelled at and dealt with and my poor goldie gets taken away once again. 

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