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Barbatos’s POV
Diavolo came down not too long after Mammon had left. I was surprised to see Mammon actually cry and break down a little in front of me. I never thought I would see him not act his usual self. I understand though, from all I know about Lucifer, I see why it can be hard to handle. I know he is just very overprotective but that can be hard for some others to understand. I must have been thinking about him for too long because I heard Diavolo call for me. 

“Barbatos? Is everything okay?”

“Yes my lord, how is the party planning?”

“Very good! I am finished, plus the weekend is drawing near and I have to be ready! It will be this Saturday at Seven, and it can end whenever! I wanna make sure everyone has a great time.”

That was the end of the conversation and he then went back up to his room. I then went and cleaned a bit. Once I was satisfied enough I went to my room to go to bed, it was like eleven thirty-six. I was very tired and soon was the party. Today was Wednesday so I still have tomorrow and Friday until the party. I get ready for bed and fall asleep.
Time goes by pretty quickly and the next thing I knew was that it was the day before the party. I was helping getting everything ready for it with some of the others. Decorating was in process, it took hours. In the end though the party area looked magnificent. Lord Diavolo was very happy and excited.
All the other helpers were tired but they were glad they got it done. They were paid and then they left. It was later in the day, definitely getting close to dinner time. We went back and he sat on the couch for a bit. I went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner.
Made sure everything was being made right. With the right seasonings and proportions. It was like a mini feast, but I never put all the food on the table. Lord Diavolo was a lonely guy. I don't think he would want to see a table of food when it was just him eating. Of course I eat too, just on my own time. I am simply just a butler.
After an hour or so, the food finishes and I get it fully prepared. Then I walk out of the kitchen with his drink. I set it on the table and call for him that dinner is ready. I then get the food and set it down at his spot. He comes fairly quickly and sits down. He starts eating but then he pauses which confuses me.

"Barbatos, how about you join me for dinner tonight? There are things I want to discuss with you. It will be nicer over dinner in my opinion."

I was partly surprised, but Lord Diavolo is really kind and genuine. I nod and go get more food from the kitchen for myself and sit down. We eat for a bit and then conversation starts up.

"You see at the dance their will be some slow dancing. I want to have a really nice time with Lucifer."

So this was like a date that he wanted to share with others. I just kept on listening. He then continued on about how great Lucifer is. I cleared my throat and we finished dinner. I quickly put things away and tidied up. Tomorrow will be a big day at the castle. Best to get some rest.

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