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I nervously look at the ground and soon we stop dancing. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Piercing my body from head to toe. I feel his hands let go of my waist. So I quickly let go of his neck. Something startles me though, as I feel one of his hands reach up and tilt my head up to his gaze. Barbatos is only a bit taller than me. I was shocked, but it was kinda hot. I would never say that outloud though. I gathered up my courage, y'know because the great Mammon isn't afraid of anything. I decided now will be the time and also to freak out my brothers more. So I spoke up quietly for just us two to hear.

"Are you going to kiss me? Or-"

Yeah I didn't know if that would work or if I would freak him out. Apparently he took that as a challenge though. He didn’t let me finish my sentence and started kissing me passionately. My eyes fluttered and I closed them. I put my arms back around his neck. His hand moved from my chin to the back of my neck into my hair. Pulling me closer to his body, it was hot.
Not too hot, the others were still in the room. We broke apart, eyes gleaming in the lights of the party. What made us snap out of it was MC. They were clapping and cheering us on. I looked at them and was embarrassed. I started talking back.

"Stop all that human! It's nothing too special!"

I didn't really feel like that and I think my face also showed otherwise. That's because Asmo sputtered out a 'uh-huh.' I turned to Barbatos and he was smiling. Lucifer, and some of my other brothers were really shocked. Diavolo and the others who still had their voice congratulated us. What were they congratulating?
Technically we weren't dating, we just kissed. I tried not to think about it for the rest of the party. The others also congratulated us later almost before the end of the party.
The party ended and we all helped clean up. By the time everything was done it was almost midnight. Every one headed back home, it had been a long day. I ended up staying a little longer on accident. It wasn't intentional just so I could talk to Barbatos about the kiss...
I walked over to him, he seemed a bit tired. I poked his arm and he turned to face me. He slightly smiled and spoke up.

"Hey Mammon did you enjoy yourself? Also why are you still here, everyone has left."

"Yeah and I uhh needed to talk to you."

He tilted his head but I think he understood. I didn't say I wanted to talk to him. I didn't want to seem clingy. I'm not clingy! (He so is, I can just imagine it.)
He smirked which I didn't expect.

"You liked that. Everyone could tell. But tell me Mammon, are you sure you want me?"

"Sh-shut up!! Also of course I know what I want. I'm not stupid."

He smiled and pulled me close. He put his head on my shoulder and face in my neck. His breath was warm against my cool skin. It sent shivers down my spine. He knew exactly what he was doing. My face was heating up. I put my arms around him and hugged him. We stayed like this for a little.
Soon Diavolo came back and called for him. So we said quickly said goodbye.
I got in my car and drove back to the House of Lamentation. Asmo was taking off all his makeup. His boyfriend was over and they were talking. I hope that they don't do anything tonight. I wanted to sleep well because I was really tired.. I dunno what everyone else was doing, I didn't pay much attention before I got to my room. Once I entered my room I got ready for bed and laid down.
I closed my eyes and dreamed of the party. Today ended up being better than I thought it would be. Next thing I knew it was morning. I got ready for the day and exited my room. Glad today was Saturday, I didn't do much today. Just spent money and hung out with my brothers. We didn't bring up anything from the argument.
Then as the day flew by I couldn't help but think about Barbatos. I changed his name on my D.D.D to 'Barbs<3' I felt dumb. Yet I couldn't stop smiling. Then I messaged him goodnight and he responded.

'Goodnight to you too darling.'

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