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❝ IT IS TIME, ❞ the voice spoke echoing through the vast open space, Rhea's eyes shot open blinking to become accustomed to the interior of their mother ship

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IT IS TIME, ❞ the voice spoke echoing through the vast open space, Rhea's eyes shot open blinking to become accustomed to the interior of their mother ship.

Short heavy breaths parted her lips as she took a small step forward, her legs felt like jello knees trembling ever so slightly.

The gravity of this new earth wasn't like Olympia, the room was littered with unfamiliar faces, "it's beautiful isn't it?" A woman's voice echoes around the empty room.

Her cold blue eyes analysed the ship she had woken in and then back down at the suit hugging her body, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

The red and blue tone clashed with her complexion oh so slightly but the large blue and green planet before her was more alluring "is that earth?"

She turned to face a burly man with facial hair spared a singular nod, "I believe so.."

It was within arms length, so close yet so far.

"The stars... they're beautiful." Rhea whispered, her full lips curling up into a small smile.

The man with facial hair and a kind smile nudged her closer to the glass, soon, her fingertips brushed over the glass and her smile widened.

The stars were like beacons lighting a path to their future, Rhea couldn't wait for her feet to touch the ground and feel the earth beneath her feet even if it was for just a bliss moment.

She wanted to feel the sun's rays touch her skin and fill her with that warmth that she had felt on
other planets, today was a new day.

A new experience with their one true enemy.

Deviants. The word made her skin crawl.

An unfamiliar presence joined her by the window, his arms tucked behind he's back as he watches the planet in front of them turn.

Her big blue eyes moved from the window to his chest and moved up, the deafening thud of her heart against her ribcage louder than the rumbling of their ship in space.

The man before her was fairly tall with messy, brown hair and a smirk that matched his aura all too perfectly.

Her breathing hitched at the back of her throat and her tongue tied itself into knots as struggled to speak, not even a simple hello was managed.

He had knocked the air from her lungs and changed the course of her train of thoughts.

"I'm druig," he spoke.

A faint red blush blossomed over her skin, she bought her fingertips to her cheek and turned her head away.

"Rhea," she speaks, "It's nice to meet you."

As the blush disappeared Rhea turned her head and willed herself to meet his eyes,

The smirk he was wearing had been replaced with a genuine smile.

Rhea ignored the swarming in her gut and returned her gaze to the window, "the view is beautiful? Isn't is?" She asks softly.

Druig nodded, although his eyes were trained specifically to her. Like under an enchantment he replied, "it's gorgeous."

When he looked away against his knowledge she glanced back at him, taking a picture of him in her brain.

He was the prettiest man she had ever seen in her life, coming from an immortal - that is an incredibly long time.

A long time without having him there to grace her presence which she was sure would change.

He wouldn't slip between her fingers so easily.


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