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500 B.C | mesopotamia

THE WARRIORS amongst the eternals were the only ones to exit the mother ship, a new deviant threat had popped up in the middle of nowhere and consequently a small settlement in mesopotamia.

A father stood on a large rock fishing whilst his son watched from the safety of the cliff, the wind blowing he's hair around.

It wasn't until a large monster appeared and snatched up his father that the apparent threat seemed real, the deviant wasn't done there though, it climbed the cliff only a meer inches from the boy.

Rhea couldn't fly and she certainly didn't have super speed but she did have one thing going for her, a small flame flickered at the tip of her pinky finger.

She could hear Ikaris scoff at the sight of the poor display of power, she inhaled slowly and formed a circular shape with her hands.

In the palms of her soft hands a large ball of fire seemed to expand, the blistering heat drawing sweat from some of the nearby inhabitants of the camp.

Rhea cried out as she thrust out her hands and freed the flames from the cage, it spiralled through the air and lit the deviants back leg on fire, it's flesh scarring almost instantly.

The distance between the child and the deviant hadn't changed much at all, Makkari quickly fixed that using her speed against the deviant to steal the child away.

Losing it's snack seemed only to anger it more.

Rhea sighed in relief, her eyes resembling that of a flame, the blue replaced with a harsh glowing amber.

"Is that the best you can do?" Ikaris asked, shooting beams from his eyes.

She ignored him despite feeling a burning in the pit of her stomach that could be described as pure hatred, an emotion not easily conjured in Rhea from mouth breathers like Ikaris.

Rhea quickly gathered the mortals and pushed them in one direction, trying her best to shield them from the fight occurring in the air and on the ground.

The low growl of the deviant immediately had the hairs on the back of her neck standing, she pivoted on her heel staring it in the eyes.

Her arms slowly rose by her sides and her legs parted, she dug her feet into the earth and inhaled slowly the earth trembling beneath her feet.

The deviant stumbled but didn't fall, the earth beneath the creatures feet begun to crack and break apart from the larger part of the land.

Rhea's back arched as she quickly rose her hands, successfully holding the deviant in the air on a patch of earth that was no longer with it's counterparts.

Her glowing eyes stared it down as a smirk pulled at her lips she kissed her palm and blew it a kiss, a large gust of wind sweeping it away directly into another blast from Ikaris.

"Do you want to see more?" She asked her flying ally glancing up at him.

Ikaris ignored her and flew away putting a great distance between them, Rhea scoffed wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

The distraction came with a cost, as the deviant knocked her back a few feet.

She tumbled and rolled before landing on her knees, through gritted teeth she spoke, "that hurt!"

Makkari appeared, "are you okay?" She signed seeming concerned for her ally's well-being.

Rhea nodded, still learning how to communicate with Makkari was a process that was longer than she had expected but she'd soon get.

She smiled kindly and struggled to her feet once more and just in time to see the deviants defeat, Ikaris being the one to finish it off wasn't surprising.

Rhea approached the other eternals slowly and took her place by Gilgamesh and Thena.

It wasn't until the mother ship appeared that the mortals begun to speak in their native tongue, flabbergasted by these people descending from the air.

Druig returned to Rhea's side, since their introduction glued to each other's side like glue.

They spoke of nothing instead communicating with a smile or the slightest glint in the eye, a language that they seemed to understand only when it came to each other.

Her hand lightly brushed over his as the people of mesopotamia begun to approach them.

The Eternals has successfully gained their trust, they would still have to do it for centuries to come and yet...

Rhea didn't seem to mind as long as Druig continued to stay by her side.

Together they could be...



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