Chapter 20

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Adriana's POV
It's been about a month since the tour. Since Nathan called it off. I stopped teaching at the studio, instead I just watch as Jay does. He understand. The girls have been support as have been the lads. They say he isn't the same without me, but I'm not the same without him. He seemed to bring light out of me and he took it when he left me in that dressing room. Sometimes I wonder how he is actually doing, but the lads tell me that he's fine just not the same Nathan. I sighed and got into bed. It's been another day without Nathan. Knowing I won't wake up to a text from him.

Nathan's POV -before nightfall-
"What if one of us were to suddenly disappear?" I asked out of the blue. We were at a meeting.
"The band would depend on the other members. Why the question Nathan?" I shook my head at our new manager. He nodded and continued with whatever we were talking about. Come on Ollie pull through I begged in my mind. Then my phone suddenly started to go off. I answered it and pretended it was an emergency which earned me a ticket to leave. I smiled at the boys and hugged each one of them.
"See you soon, brothers. I love you all," they looked at me in a funny way, but all returned the I love you which caused me to laugh on my way out.

I made it to my place and started to throw all my clothes into a bag. I picked up some pictures and other things and threw those into another bag. In the end I ended up with two bags and two large suitcases. I chuckled to myself as I threw my bags into my car. My phone started to ring again, "You have them?" I questioned into it, "Thank you so much." I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket as I headed to Jay's house. The lads are most likely partying which was perfect.

Adriana's POV -present-
I opened my eyes to something slamming. I thought it was Jay, but then I saw it was Nathan. "Nath," I said surprised.
"Sorry," he came up to me, "I accidentally slammed your door shut." I smiled at him.
"What are you doing here?" He leaned down to me and kissed me. It was a kiss like no other. It seemed like all his emotions poured out into that one kiss.
"Runaway with me," he whispered. I was shocked and sat up causing him to move and sit next to me.
"Adri I love you too much for this to get between us," I smiled weakly at him, "I want us to live a normal life."
I took his hand in mine, "Nathan we will never be normal. YOU won't ever be normal." I tried to say in such a gently manner as I made circles on his hand with my thumb.
"I already have something arranged. I only need you to come with me."
"Risk Everything For Love."
"I'm going to risk my career for you. I don't care about any of it if I don't have you and if you aren't happy." I smiled at him and put my forehead on his.
"Risk Everything For Love," I whispered then I pressed my lips to his not ever wanting the kiss to end.
Jays POV -the next morning-
I woke up and got out of bed. I rubbed my eyes with the feeling of a hangover. Oh clubbing with the boys is crazy. I left the room and went into the kitchen, but no one was in it. Summer is usually in there cooking breakfast because she wakes up earlier than me all the time. I was confused so I went to her room and saw an empty bed. She probably went out I though.

I sat on the couch with some water as I turned on the telly. "Now breaking news! It is heard that a private jet was crashed early this morning. Around midnight to dawn it took off and not to long crashed to the floor. It has been reported that the plane belonged to--," I sighed, pushed record, then turned off the telly. I would watch the rest of the news later. I went into the kitchen and started on breakfast. I heard the door open.
"Oh Summer I thought you went missing or some--- Emily?" She had tears streaming down your face.
"Didn't you hear?" I shook my head at her, "They aren't dead, but are claimed missing Jay!" I went over to her as I heard my girlfriend sob.
"Who Em?"
"Nathan and Adriana." I let her go. I went back into the living room, turning on the telly and rewinding it.
"It has been reported that the plane belonged to Mr. Nathan Sykes and fans are already causing a stir. They have claimed that him and his girlfriend Adriana Summers," they forgot to say Sapphire i thought, "were both riding in the private jet. It seems that they were moving or something or the sort as they found a box full of pillows and frames and things of the such. They have not given up hope and claim that the people are only missing." I turned off the telly and cried with Emily. I held her in my arms when suddenly I got a message.
'Shhhh Jay. Don't want you to worry or Emily. You two are the only ones who will know. Me and Nathan are alive Jay. We've ran away. The police will want to check your phone. Get a new one so we can keep contact. Nathan wanted we to tell you that we've risked it all for love. We love you all, but let them think we're dead.
Summer xx'

"Who is it Jay?" I handed her the phone. She laughed and held me tight. I'm so glad their safe, but now I'll have to live keeping a lie from their families. I'm going to be living a lie and I'm dragging Emily with me.
Okay so that's the end of this one also! Finished three fanfics so far. Please check them out! Find My Way and Save Me. Both Nathan Sykes fanfics. I will right other fanfictions that aren't Nathan based ;)
I would like to thank Alexendra_Cunning who has also supported me through this fanfic too. Love her sooo much, you should check her stories out they're amazing.
Love my readers lots,
Kayla :) xx

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