Chapter 12

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Sorry for not updating on this story, School's been tuff and I've been working on my other story. I will try to focus and finish this one. Thanks to those who have been reading. Please vote or comment. I could take any suggestions to whatever kind of story you think I should write. Thank you guys hope you enjoy this chapter. Love you! -Kayla 

Adriana's POV

        As I sat here waiting for Emily to make it. She was the best friend anyone could ask for. I would call and text Nathan for a million times a day and he still won't answer. It's been a week. A WEEK! When he cane over to visit Jay it was as if I was being completely ignored. That's why I contacted Emily. I haven't since I left Archie. My poor brother. I do miss him. The guy doesn't even know how to cook or use the kitchen in this matter. 

        "Adriana you okay?" I look up and saw my best friend. She looked amazing. Compared to my awful red brown hair, she had midnight black hair. I smiled. "Haven't seen you in a while." She nodded and I broke. I ran to her and hugged her. She had to sit down as I just let out all the sadness I've been holding in.

        "Adriana come on, look at me, Sapphire look at me! What's wrong?! Summers! Hello!" I started to laugh. I went into this long story about Archie and Nath. How we raced in the rain and living with him for a day.The fact that I ran into Jay and am living with him now also how I dated him, but found out that I love Nathan. Our argument that me and Nathan had, but then she started laughing. "What?" She just kept laughing until she fell rolling on the ground laughing.

        I waited for her to stop laughing. "Okay hold on wait YOu dated one of your 'hero's' persay and are still in love with one of them" "How is this funny!" I yelled at her. "It is to me other than your brother." "Yea because you like him." She blushes and shakes her head. I laugh at her this time. "NOT ANYMORE!" I nod and stick out my hand for her to get up. Emily takes it and I feel my phone vibrate. 

Text: Summer where are you? Come home two students are coming over. 

-On my way Jay, Gonna bring a friend 

-Alright :) 

        "You want to meet Jay?" I laugh because of the expression on her face after I asked was priceless. "You serious." I shrug. "Why not? You'll have to see two of our students though." "Students" She ask. I explain to her everything on our way there. 


Jay's POV 

        "She'll be here soon." I tell Jake and his girlfriend Tori who both nod. "I heard you and Ms. Summers are together mate," I shook my head. "Don't call her that please. Just call her Adriana and me and her did date for a while, but we broke it off since we were too close like brother and sister. It just felt wrong." They nodded once more.

        "Hey mate," I turned to see Nathan. I smiles then looked back at Jake and Tori who just smiled at him. "Hey Nath how did you get in h------" "HEY JAY I'M HOME" I was cut off by the yelling of Summer. I looked at Nathan who seemed to be panicing. "Is that Adri?" I nodded at him. "Well Nathan she lives here." The way he was reacting was kind of, well a lot weird. Even Jake and Tori were looking at him weird. 

        I watched as he was about to make a run for the door, but it opened itself to reveal Summer with another girl. This is going to be awkward. 

Nathan's POV

         Adri saw me right away. Her eyes met mine quickly. I wasn't ready to see her. I wasn't ready to confort everything that went down. When really nothing bad happened I was just being an idiot. I heard her gulp. "Umm... wow... uh... erm.... Emily this is Nathan and Jay." Adri motioned Jay to come over. She looked over my shoulder to see her two students I'm guessing. "Oh and those are Jake and Tori who are two amazing dancers at mine and Jay's studio." 

        Emily, I heard Adriana bring her up quite a lot. She was Adri's best friend. I smiled faintly at her when she looked at me and she kindly smiled back. She had really black hair and seemed way too pale. She looked like the real Snow White. I wanted to comment on it, but I'm sure Adri hates me right now and wouldn't like me saying things like that. 

        I looked at Jay who motioned both me and Jake to follow him. "Summer we'll be right back." Jay told Adri. She looked at us three lads and smirked. Oh no she's gonna---- "What are you guys gonna do, do a ball check?" Emily was trying so hard not to laugh and Tori was doing the same. Jay rolled his eyes and left so I followed behind Jake. I took one last peak at Adri to see her laughing and smiling. I smiled before walking into the room. 

Emily's POV :) 

        I have to admit what Adriana said was funny and a little rude. They obviously needed to talk, but so did we so good thing the lads left. "So Tori how long have you and Jake been together?" I ask. She blushed and I smiled. I haven't had a relationship that made me blush like that in a while. "Almsot a year now." My eyes widened and I looked at Adriana to see her still staring at the door. I focus my gaze back to Tori and she just laughed. Soon I started laughing too. 

        "What are you two laughing at?" Adriana asked. "You!" I blurted and me and Tori continued laughing. "Why don't you just shag the lad already." Tori said. I laughed so hard at that. Soon me and Tori were leaning on each other for support as I saw Adriana blushing. " I don't think he is mad at you, I think he thinks that you are mad at him." I say finally stopping from laughing too hard. Tori had tears in her eyes. 

        That was a good moment to cherish. "But what if it's not like that?" Adriana asked. "Then Nathan is stupid." I stated and crossed my arms. "Oh thanks. That was an amazing thing you said there Emily." I saw Nathan and frowned. "Well then you might not want to be a butthead so I don't cosider you stupid." "A butthead?" Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow and chuckling. "Yes a butthead." I stated then Nathan focused on Adriana. "Anything you want to add?" He asked her. "Yea don't be a dick ever again." Oh no. They are going to argue now. Great and I thought they were going to make up. Me, Jay, Jake, and Tori stood there in the middle of Adriana and Nathan. "Then why don't you stop being a bitch," Nathan said. I frowned. I didn't want to see them like this tonight.

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