Chapter 16

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September 26
Adriana's POV

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Archie! Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang. I smile as I watched Archie blow out the candles of his cake. When he looked up he smiled at me and I smiled back. I knew he felt bad about missing my birthday, but I love spending his with him. I get to mess with him a lot and I have a lot of pranks planned out. (xD)

"Adri can I talk to you?" I looked to see Nathan. I nodded and we walked away from the party.
"What is it Nathan? I can't really be away for long." He sighed.
"I'm not really good at doing this, but Adri. I really really like you." I didn't have to make him continue as I wrapped my arms around him. He chuckled a bit, "Sooooo?"
"Yes," I whispered. I felt him kiss the top of my head as we were still in the embrace. I liked him sooooooo much and I didn't want to let him go. "Let's head back in, my brother will worry soon." Nathan nodded as we walked hand in hand back inside,

Archie's POV
I could tell Adriana and Nathan had gotten together when they came back inside. I saw the way they were holding hands and the way they would dance and the way they would smile at each other. I was happy for her, but I knew my sister. As outgoing as she may be she won't want to ruin my birthday, so she'll tell everyone about her relationship tomorrow or something. I went to look for Rachel and found her cutting cake for everyone. I smiled and walked up, wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm so lucky I found you." She smiled as she turned around, kissing me.
"I would say the same to you," I just held her close as she kept cutting cake for people while giving me some. This was an amazing birthday. My beautiful girlfriend and my beautiful sister are all I need in my life.


Adriana's POV
I invited everyone over to Jay's house as me and Nathan decided to tell everyone today. I knew that I needed to say something, but I wasn't too sure. I think I wanted to go public, but I wasn't too sure about that either. "Nathan," I said a little worried and I knew he could tell as he took my hand in his.
"I know I know, it's scary."
"If you were dating someone in your legue then they wouldn't be like this."
"Adri all I care about is you. Are you sure you want to go public?" I nodded at him. I watched as he took his phone out while the room started to fill with the lads and the girls and my brother and his girlfriend. Oh no. I'm nervous. I shook it off as I went for a popper.
"Me and Nath are together!" I said breaking the silence and popping the popper. Everyone cheered as Nathan kissed me. Soon I felt my phone vibrate.
@NathanSykes: I found myself an amazing girl who I want to be with forever. Please take it easy on @DancingAdri. I know you'll love her as much as I do :)
I smiled at Nathan and hugged him tighter. I got hate and love from fans, but I know I wouldn't care about this right now, but could I handle this later. :/

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