Chapter 6

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~One month later~

        "Summer come on we are going to be late." "I'm coming hold on!" Summer had met me perfect timing, like she had told Julie the first day we met her that she was planning that event, well we were celebrating the studio for it going so well. She has been coming with me to teach my classes and was finally able to teach the little kids at the same time as the older. "Jay, Jay" I blinked to see Summer in front of me. "Jay, sooo," I looked at her, "how do I look?" I smile as Summer twirled and ran in a circle around me. I start to laugh and take her hands. She wore a dark green dress with some blue on it. "You look amazing." I see her start to blush and I smile. "You don't look half bad yourself."

        When we arrive at the studio, I see Summer as she goes to talk to a Lacey. I smile and go to talk to one of my students. "Hey Jake," I say to him. He was a great dancer and would do great when I gave him solos. I don't teach girls, I used to,  but then Summer came and well she teaches the girls and the young ones. We do once in a while come together. "Hey Jay, This is Tori, she is my girlfriend and would like to start to dance." I smile at him and nod. "She a beginner?" I hear Summers voice suddenly. i think I jump a little as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright Jay, it's only me." I see her lovely smile and pull her into a hug. "Tori this would be your teacher." They smile at each other when I let Summer go. 

        "It's very nice to meet you." Tori tells Summer. "Same." I watch as Summer grabs her hand and winks. Tori nods and follows Summer wherever they went. I nod towards Jake and he nods back as I leave. I walked around saying hello to some other students. I enjoyed this. This job was wonderful. I felt a sudden tug on the back of my jacket. I looked down to see Lacey. 

        "Well hello there princess Lacey how are you?" She blushed, but continued on saying how she was having fun. I loved talking to her. It felt nice like having a tiny sister. As I picked her up I saw Nathan come in. "Want to meet Nathan Lacey, I know we never got the chance to take you to meet him," Her smile grew ten times bigger than it was before as I walk us over to Nathan. 

        I stopped walking when I saw Summer. She was dancing and stopping having to host this random event. I smiled she look wonderful when she danced. "Are you going to marry Ana?" Lacey couldn't pronouce Adriana correctly and Summer thought it was to much of a pain on Lacey so she told her to just call her ana. I smiled at her, "No Lace I don't think so." 

        "Hey mate," I turned to see Nathan. He looked at Lacey who I was still carrying. "And who is this beautiful little girl." Lacey whispered that she wanted me to let go of her so I did. She walked over to Nathan and they seemed to talk. I watched as they took pictures and I think he sent them to Summer as she is the only option. He doesn't know Julie and she only just recently got a phone. 

        Nathan comes back to me. "You alright?" I shake my head. "I think I have a problem." "Oh please don't tell me Lacey is your daughter." I laugh. Nathan was of course joking, but if Lacey was my daughter I would have been proud and not called her a problem. "Even if she was I would never call her a 'problem', The thing is I think I like Summer." Cluelessly Nathan asked, "Who's Summer?" He's probably had a drink or forgot I called Adriana that. "Adriana Nath." I stated the obvious, but then Nathan stuttered. "You-you like Adri?" 

Nathan's POV 

        I stuttered. I am such and idiot. I don't even know if I like her or not. Stop worrying Nathan. STOP. Jay is looking at you funny. Don't make a fool of yourself. "What are you going to do?" I ask Jay calm this time. I took a deep breath and I think he noticed. "Nathan are you alright?" I nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Jay shook his head. "I think I might as her out tonight." That's when I felt my heart break. I nodded and he sighed. "I just don't know how to do it." I knew Adri like the back of my hand. "She is a pretty strange girl so maybe you should take her out. She loves to travel so tonight you should leave right now, maybe take her to France or something and ask her. Or what you could also do because since she is so complex you could take her to a park. That nice one nothing less than five minutes from her and just walk with her. Ask her things and when she's not expecting it then ask her out." 

        Jay's eyes were huge by the time I finished and I half smiled. Mostly out of being nervous, but it was Jay here I knew he would tease me about it later. "I think I might take her to that point where if you just take one step your in France and then she'll be in France and I'll be here and ask her out." I nodded. That was a great idea. i knew that she would love it. Jay looked passed me and I turned to see it was Adri he was watching. She was dancing beautifully. She's so close yet so far and Jay just got her before I ever got the courage to realise I have feelings toward her.


Adriana's POV 

        "Jay where are we going?" I laugh out as Jay pulls me along and finally stop. "Okay now stay right..." Jay pushed me a little like 2, 3 feet over. "There." He finished. He stayed where he was and I suddenly grew nervous. "Okay well can I know why you are so far away from me, Are you gonna leave me here to die." I teased him. Jay chuckled and shook his head. 

        "Actually my lovely Summer you are currently standing in France and I was just going to ask you out, but no big deal right." I felt like my eyes were going to pop out as I knew why Jay brought me here. He was sincerly asking me to be his girlfriend, He went through the trouble of leaving the studio and party just to ask me out. It was sweet and I smiled. "Of course I would Jay, but you mind joining me in France I kinda don't want to leave yet." He laughed and came towards me. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head, I grinned like an idiot the whole way back home.

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