Chapter 2

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Nathan's POV

        "Hello who is this?" I heard a voice question. I know it isn't Adriana as the voice sounds masculine so it must be her brother. "ARCHIE GIVE ME MY PHONE!" Okay now that is Adriana, I only hear her voice in the background then a lot of yelling. I thought I should probably hang up when I hear Adriana again. "Nathan, Nathan is that you. Shit, Nathan you there?" I laugh a little because she sounds completely out of breath. "Yes Adri I'm here." I hear Archie's voice yelling again in the background. "Nathan, how about I call you in like five minutes." I nod, but then realize that she can't see me. "Yea that's fine. Then the line went dead.

        I sigh as I just sit there. I get up to make me tea, but I don't go back into my studio room. Instead I just walk outside. I think better outside. I notice that it is already dark, but it'll be okay it's only seven. I walk until I see a small bench like the only I sat on in the park with Adriana. I sat down and just started drinking my tea until it was finished. I took out my notepad and started to write lyrics that came to mind and how I wanted the music to be, when I felt my phone vibrate.

'Hey Nathan, this is a little weird since I just met you, but I need a place to stay and I thought since you know how to get around here that maybe you could help my find a place to stay in. I'm in really deep sh**. I could really use you're help Nath.'

        I smiled and checked the time to see it was almost midnight. 'How long was I out here.' I think to myself. I quickly started to text her because it looks like it's going to---- "Great" I mutter. It starts to rain and I sigh as I text Adri. I text her telling her that she could stay at my place until tomorrow when we can find her somewhere reasonable. She agreed, with a lot of persuading, and we agreed to meet up at a Starbucks near by.

        I pull my hood up and start to walk to Starbucks, I didn't really want to call a cab. I would waste my money and my house isn't far from here. I could use the walk to, as I reach the Starbucks I see Adriana by the door. She looked funny trying to dry her hair off and she looked like she had fallen in the mud. I shake my head and start to walk up to the door. I thought that maybe I would have some fun and scare her. I open the door and creep up behind her--- "I hear you Sykes don't try anything stupid." Adriana says. I start to laugh and she joins me.

        "Why are you out on the streets anyway, don't you live with your brother?" I question her. She sighs. "It's a long story and it's been a long night, I'll tell you another time okay." I hear the sadness in her voice and understand that her and Archer must have gotten in a fight or something. "Well shall we go my lady." I said kneeling and I saw her smile. She started laughing, but then looked around. "Nathan people are staring get up." I nod and stand as I grab one of her bags.  

        I wait for Adri as we just stand outside. I asked her if she wanted to call a cab or if she didn't mind me calling a friend. She looked as if she were thinking it through. I watched as she lent her head a little out of the covering that protected us from the rain. "Wanna race?" 

-------------------------Adriana's POV Before meeting up with Nathan------------------------

        When I arrived home with Archie and Miranda I saw that my aunt Sandra was already home to. She didn't live with us, but the many times she stays over you would think she did. I unbuckled Miranda from her car seat and she flew out of the car and into her mothers arms. I watched and frowned a little as I was already by the door at that time. I saw Archie look at me and frown. I know what he was thinking, the same thing I was. We wish we could still run into OUR mothers arms. I sigh and shrug at him as I open the door. I feel my aunt's hand on my shoulder. I groan as I was really just tired all the sudden.

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