Chapter 14

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Adriana's POV

I prepared dinner when Jay walked in the kitchen. "Wow what's this for?" He asked. I smiled as I made myself some coffee. Not wanting tea right now. "My brother had planned to come over is that okay." Jay seemed to beam with joy. I don't know if he was just so excited or what ever it was it was kinda creepy. "He is bringing his girlfriend over too and I want to make a good impression." I told him as I finished setting the table. "Oh Summer she'll love you, you have nothing to worry about,"Jay said. He squeezed my shoulders and grabbed some cups. He put them on the table. I smiled at him. I haven't talked to Nathan either. This argument was worse than the first time when he confessed that he liked me.

"Jay I'm going to go get dressed," I told him. He nodded and I kissed his cheek before going to his room. I didn't want to dress up so much so I grabbed my black long-sleeves shirt with a striped shirt and matching heels. I didn't want to look so overdressed and I don't want my brothers girl to think I am a slut. I want back to the living room to see Jay already dressed up. I smiled as he knew what to do. "You look amazing there Jay," I said. I heard him chuckle, but he got up. "Well you look beautiful also." I smiled and he hugged me. "Don't you dare worry," he told me, "this girl is going to love you and maybe if your brother is lucky. You might have a sister-in-law." I laughed a little and clinged onto Jay.

I pulled away as I heard the door knocked. "I didn't know you look so good in a suit though Jay. Maybe you should dress up more. Especially since it's gray, it makes your eyes look more blue than usual." He laughed hard and when I opened the door Archie looked at me weird. I looked at the girl beside him. She was beautiful. Her hair was pulled back and curled a little. I smiled a little because she was wearing a dress that was striped. "Looks like we have similar taste," I told her and she smiled and blushed, "My name is Adriana, yours?" I let them in the house before she answered me. "My name is Rachel. It's very nice to meet you. Your brother talks a lot about you." "Oh really even after not seeing or looking for me for almost a while year." I don't know why I said that. It slipped.

I saw the expression on Archie's face and it hurt. I looked at Jay and he smiled a little. "Uh the dinner is set up and warm," I turned toward Jay, "Jay do you mind helping them real quick, I'll be down in a few." He nodded and I ran a little to my room. Why am I saying things that hurt people? I felt someone hug me and it wasn't just one person it was also another. "I'm so sorry. Really I am. I hurt so many people with my words." I told them. I knew it was Jay and Archie. Rachel had to be in the room. Archie would never leave her alone, he doesn't do that. The only time he did was with me.

"Adriana it's alright," I heard Archie say as Jay was soothing me. I smiled and felt Jay wipe my tears. I got up from being sat on the floor and so did Jay and Archie. I saw Rachel as I stood and smiled at her. She opened her arms and I hugged her. "Good thing I'm here now, looks like you could use a sister." I smiled at her again then we went back into the dining room.

"Wanna eat?" I asked them all. I got nods and I smiled before going into the kitchen for food. "Need help?" I looked and saw Jay. He grabbed a tray from my hands and when he touched mine I looked up at him. I smiled weakly as his touch still made me feel a little weird. It isn't easy with Jay knowing we could've had something. "Thanks," I whispered. He nodded and took the tray before disappearing. I sighed loudly and grabbed the rest of the food before going into the dining room after Jay.


"...So then I sat on her." Jay finished telling a story about how I had stolen some of his food. Archie and Rachel were laughing their heads off as I was pouting. "That wasn't funny. You were crushing me." I stated. "Yea well you were going to let me stare and shove my own food in my face." I laughed at Jay and soon we were all laughing. We had all finished eating yet no one had bothered to pick up or leave the dining table. "I need to use the bathroom." I heard Rachel whisper to Arch. I smiled a little because I knew Archie knew about my good sense in hearing. "It's just right down the hallway on your left." Rachel blushed a bit and both Jay and Archie chuckled. She got up and left so I began to pick up. "Summer we can clean up tomorrow." Jay said. "Oh right Jay how many times do you say that after Nathan would come over and yet after a week the living room still hadn't been cleaned." Archie laughed and Jay held his hands up in surrender. "Alright clean, but don't come whining to me when you're tired." I laughed this time and began to pick up.

Once I finally got all the dishes in the sink I started to wash them. I heard heels click and I knew it was Rachel. "Hey Rach you need something?" I asked, not turning around. "No no I just wanted to come help." "Oh," i replied. Then Nathan came into mind. What could he be doing right now? I do miss him, but I guess there was a reason for that fight. I needed to understand that me and Nathan weren't even in a relationship. "What's on your mind?" Rachel asked. She was drying the dishes I had finished washing. There were plenty of them that needed to be washed tonight. "Oh it's nothing, just you know love problems." I said. She chuckled a little. "Yea I mean I still have those with your brother.Honestly he does talk about you a lot. He did miss you when you weren't around." I nodded at her. I knew she meant it and she was probably saying it because of what I told him earlier.

I finished washing the dishes and started to put away the ones Rachel had dried while she was still drying others. "I heard you dance." Rachel said. "Yea I work with Jay at his dance studio. You know help him with things since I do live in his home." I replied and she nodded. We went on talking about our lives until she brought up the one person who I can't stop thinking about. "So who's Nathan?" My hands went clammy and I didn't know what to say until I remembered all the fun we had before the argument. "Oh Nathan he's just a friend of Jay and mine too, He's really sweet and nice, can be protective though. Nathan can also be very awkward, but I like him like that because at least he doesn't hide from me or anyone in that matter. He is just in general amazing," I finished and I saw Rachel smirking. "Well at least I know who you're having love problems with. Want to talk about them?" I smiled and nodded before starting to tell Rachel about what happened.


"Bye Archie," I told my brother in a hug. "Bye Adriana, be good with Jay now you hear. Behave." I laughed at him and waved at Rachel who waved back. She gave me some advice that I will definitely take into notice. Then Jay said goodbye before shutting the door. "GET. ME. OUT. OF. THIS. SUIT!" Jay said and I just laughed because he was struggling to remove the suit. "Jay here let me help before you rip it or something." I took off my heels before helping him so I wouldn't fall, but when I was taking one off I almost fell. I felt an arm grab me and I took off the heel, "Thanks Jay." He nodded and then I helped him with his tie first.

"Your brother is pretty cool," Jay said with a smile. "Jay I know you two already knew each other." He acted shocked as he put his hand on his mouth, acting in disbelief. "Well I didn't know you were his sister, I'll tell you that." I smiled at him as I was able to get his tie off. Jay was about to just rip off his jacket, "NO! Jay you have to take it off gently." He rolled his eyes, but it was amazing suit he can't just ruin it.

When I was able to get his jacket off he smiled before going to his room, so I went to mine. I took off what I was wearing and just put on a onesie for times sake. "SUMMER! I CAN'T GET THIS SHIRT OFF!" I laughed and went to his room. Sure enough Jay was struggling with the buttons. I rolled my eyes, "really Jay." He gave me a look that said I'm sorry and I just chuckle before helping him with the buttons.

"Wow and to think I was coming here to apologize," I heard a voice say. I turned my head and saw Nathan. I unbuttoned the last button on Jays shirt then faced him. "How did you get in?" I asked. "Jay told me where you keep the key," I looked at Jay who smiled weakly then came up to me. "Go talk with him, I'm going to take another shower. This gel is killing me." I nodded with a giggle before facing Nathan again. "What are you two back together. IS THIS ALL JUST A GAME TO YOU." I raised my eyebrows at Nathan before walking into my room with him following behind me.

"Look Nathan it's late, why don't you stay the night and we can talk tomorrow. I'm pretty tired." I said. "From what making out with Jay." That's when I had it. "Look I was going to apologize to you, but tomorrow. My brother came over for dinner and I met his girlfriend and Jay couldn't get his dang buttons undone so I was helping then you just had to come and assume things when all I was doing was helping and now I'm rambling. You see what you do and all I was trying to do was love you! Why don't you understand!?" I took deep breath before shoving him out of my room. "Sleep on the couch Nathan. You know where the blankets are. Goodnight." I told him, well more like commanded him, but he did piss me off.

I got into bed and closed my eyes. "Please God, let me and Nathan get on good terms again." Then I let the sleep take over.


Thank you to those who are reading. It means a lot. Please continue and it you like it please vote thanks. Love you.

-Kayla :)

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