Some Headcanons Because Why Not

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Since I'm bored, I decided that I'll do some worldbuilding because yES

I have some free time anyway

1. Imperial Guild - A guild for empires created around the 17th century. The guild consists of 10 members:

- Great Britain
- France
- Portuguese Empire
- Spanish Empire
- Belgian Empire
- Dutch Empire
- German Empire
- Austria-Hungary
- Russian Empire
- Ottoman Empire

Imperial Japan was invited to be a member at one point, but RE didn't want her to be a member because they had disagreements (Russo-Japanese War). RE also had some problems with Ottoman (Russo-Turkish War and the Crimean War), but they tried to be civil about it.

2. Imperialist (status) - A Countryhuman who has Assets. Also refers to a Countryhuman that is officially recognized as an empire.

*Does the title "Imperialist" apply to all empires in history?
- Practically, yes it is. However, the title is more associated to empires from the 16th century up to WW1.

3. Asset (status) - Specifically refers to the Countryhuman under jurisdiction of an Imperialist. One example is Mexico who was formerly an Asset to Spanish Empire.

*Does this apply to assets of the new "empires" post WW1?
- Yes, this idea still applies to Countryhumans like Third Reich (Reichskommisariats) and USSR (Socialist Republics)

4. Colony - Specifically refers to only the territory (the land itself) formerly owned by the Asset that is now owned by the Imperialist.

*Just to clarify, a Countryhuman represents their people, a territory is simply just land.

5. Commonwealth (status) - a semi-autonomous Countryhuman but is stiil under custody of an Imperialist. One example is Philippines during the 1930's (an American Commonwealth). Also, not all countryhumans are given such a status (either you're an asset or a sovereign, no in-between). In the modern day, however, the title is referred to Britain's former assets.

6. Subjects - general term for Statehumans/Provincehumans and Cityhumans regardless of government system.

7. Sovereign (status) - a fully independent Countryhuman; also the term Statehumans/Provincehumans and Cityhumans use when referring to their Countryhuman.

8. Nation - The collective term for a Countryhuman and their subjects united by common descent, history, culture, and language.

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