My General Headcanon About Organizations

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Part 2 of General Headcanons


What is an Organization?
These are entities created by countryhumans. They usually are diplomatic, economical, or militaritistic in nature. All organizations are created by a ritual that involves ashes, fire, and a bit of blood.

The sovereigns who originally signed a treaty to create an organization are called Signatories.

How To Create an Organization
• All signatories are required to bring their own knife and their share of firewood
• Everyone makes a cut on their right hand and they have to make sure that their blood drips onto the firewood while saying this incantation several times in unison: ex sanguine et cinere orieris (from blood and ashes you shall rise).
• One of the signatories will light up the firewood.
• Everyone signs the treaty and waits for the fire to extinguish
• Once the firewood turns to ash and embers, that's where the transformation begins (ash becomes flesh)
• Congrats! You now have an organization.

How They Work
Organizations are mostly dependent on  their signatories since they are technically the reason why they exist. However, not all signatories are equal. Some are more powerful than others, which is why some organizations tend to have more traits from the powerful signatories.

The signatory that the organizations depend on the most is called a Lifeline. Depending on how many sovereigns  an organization inherited major traits from, their Lifeline Type can be determined as follows:

- These types only depend on one sovereign. This happens because one signatory is more powerful than all other signatories combined. A well-known example of an Anchor is NATO (his Lifeline is only America)

- They depend on two sovereigns who are both equally more powerful than the rest. EU is a perfect example of this type (a Franco-German Diarch).

- The organization depends on more than two (but less than half) of all signatories. One example is the Arab League.

- The organization depends on all signatories because everyone has equal power. UN is the most famous example of this type.

Predicting The Lifeline
Although many can guess who the Lifeline will be before the ritual, there is actually a way to find out who the Lifeline/s are.

The Organization needs to make a cut on their right hand and proceed doing handshakes with the Signatories.

Since all of them still have a fresh wound on their right hand, either a single signatory, a few, or all of them will get a mutual reaction (a slight electric shock) with the Organization when their hands make contact.

The shock is an indicator that they are a Lifeline. If there is no reaction between signatory and Organization, then that signatory is not a Lifeline.

Do they age?
No. They stay as a 30 year old adult forever.

Do Organizations die?
Yes they do. They will only die if their Lifelines secede from the treaty or die. The most vulnerable ones would be the Anchors and Diarchs. When they die, become ashes again.

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