Prep For The Big Day

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I feel a pair of warm lips on my neck and mutter something in annoyance as I try pushing away his head. Needless to say, I am not a morning person.

                “Wake up, babe.” Niall’s raspy morning voice smirks into my skin, not allowing me to shove him away.

                There’s a slight silence between us and then I roll over, planting my face back into my pillow. I’m assuming that he must have expected a cute, romantic response from me, but I mutter, “Shut up,” into my pillow before trying to go back to sleep. It must be like 5 AM… That’s a good 3 hours before I’d like to be awake.

                “Come up, rise and shine, sweetheart. We need to go!” He smiles and strokes my hair. “Do you not remember what today is?”

                Today, is the day that all girls dream about. Niall and I are going to get our chores for the wedding done. That means we have to go order the cake, the flowers, my dress, his tuxedo, the rings, and make arrangements for all the little details that are going to be put into the ceremony. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited, but I’d rather be excited more towards the afternoon than at 5 AM. My lips part, letting out a slight grunt to acknowledge the fact that I do, indeed, know what is going on today, I just don’t intend on getting up.

                I hear his deep chuckle and before I know what’s happening, his arms go under me and flip me over before picking me up bridal style. “You brought this on yourself, you know.” He smiles and plants a goodmorning kiss on my lips as he carries me to the kitchen.

                “I know…” I mumble, with a smile on my lips as I hold onto him. How much more perfect can a guy get?

                He sets me down on the counter-top and I watch as he takes out a few slices of bread and a jar of nutella. “Breakfast is served!” A knife is pulled out of our cabinets and he carefully smothers some of the delicious chocolatey spread onto the bread before extending out the sweet sandwich and feeding it to me.

                “Mmmm.” I smile and take a bite before dipping my finger into the jar and rubbing the contents onto his cheek playfully. “Now you’re sweet inside and out!”

                His eyes turn into that dark, mischievous shade that I’ve grown to love as he picks me up, off the countertop and captures me in his embrace. I can only watch in horror as he repeats my own playfully gesture to me, and wipes a load of the chocolate dip onto my nose.

                My whole life feels like a scene out of a romantic chick-flick. The poor college student who meets the famous popstar and ends up engaging him… Things like this don’t just happen. I feel as if I might wake up from a dream at any given moment and find myself back in my old lifestyle- sharing a dorm with Hannah and Dalia, going from lecture to lecture at school. But then I realize that no- this fairytale that I’m experiencing isn’t a dream; this is my life. The little school girl really did engage that rich superstar, and she’s living out her wildest dreams with the boy she loves.

                His warm lips press onto my cheek, mischievously licking away the Nutella on my skin before they find a pathway down to my lips. I notice myself backing up until my back finally rests against the countertops. Both of his arms are on either side of me, and my hands are creeping into his hair, like I have always done, out of habit.

                “GET IT.”

                Niall stumbles away from me, caught off guard by the surprise voice behind us.

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