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                “Come on, babe. I’ve been waiting for you.” Niall grins and pats the empty space next to him in our bed. “It’s late, come here.”

                I tip-toe over to our bed, scared to make any noise, and smile as I lie down next to him, enjoying my first moment of relaxation in a very long time.

                “Are you tired?” He whispers to me, while stroking my hair like he always does.

                “Exhausted, but at least now I get to go to slee-”

                Almost as if on cue, Carter starts crying from his room.

                I shoot Niall the most desperate look in the history of desperate looks, and he quietly chuckles and kisses my forehead. “I got him, don’t worry.”

                “Thanks, babe.” I smile and close my eyes, trying to get in just a few moments of precious sleep.

                Ever since Carter was born six months ago, I haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep. This month has been the most tiring time of the entire 2 years that I’ve been married to Niall; and yet I still couldn’t be happier. Carter was born on June 2, at 8:22 AM. He’s a healthy little replica of Niall. Not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed when I realized my baby boy looks absolutely nothing like me, but I love the blond haired, blue eyed cutie regardless… At least he has my nose, right?

                I hear quiet footsteps enter the room and I groggily open my eyes to see Niall walk in, Carter in his arms, no longer crying. He climbs into bed carefully and pulls me into his embrace before gently placing Carter besides us. “I think he wanted to sleep with us.” He smiles and kisses my cheek, stroking my leg gently as I close my eyes once more.

                My ears detect a small whimper, signaling that our boy is about to start crying again. Niall starts singing Autumn Leaves, by Ed Sheeran, which for some reason, always seems to calm Carter down. As if by magic, his breathing slows down again, and I open my eyes to see him balled up, asleep to the sound of his daddy’s voice. Niall keeps singing for a little while longer, finishing the song before placing a lingering kiss on my neck and whispering a quiet “good night” to me.

                I wake up alone the next morning. My legs plop over the side of the bed and I walk to the kitchen where I find Niall, with Carter in his arms, playing some kind of made up game with our son. The bond they have is absolutely adorable. Niall never fails to find time for Carter and me, despite his busy schedule with the band. Both of their eyes land on me as I walk in, rubbing my eyes as the light enters my vision. Carter’s arms open towards me and I giggle as I take him from Niall’s arms, kissing my husband lovingly in the process.  “Good morning, babe.”

                “Good morning, love.” Niall smiles. “Look what came in the mail.” He holds out a white card for me to read.

                “You have been invited to the wedding of Harry Styles and Hannah Devine- Oh my God!” I jump up excitedly, causing Carter to giggle. “I’ve been waiting for this to come!” Ever since Harry proposed to her five months ago, I’ve been expecting this letter. I guess life is good for everyone right now.

                Niall smiles at me and wraps his arms around me from the back. “I hope they’re as happy together as we are.” Carter reaches for his daddy and Niall picks him up, holding him in one arm, and me in the other. “You two are the most important people in my life, you know. Before, I was so happy with you, and I genuinely thought it couldn’t get any better; and then you brought Carter into the world, and now I’m just positive that this is as perfect as life gets.” He pauses for a moment then smiles, again. “I love you, Sadie Horan.”

                “I love you, too, Niall.” I giggle and kiss his lips, one more time, enjoying the fact that the two people I love the most are here with me, right now. Thinking about my life, I know that my story is far from finished. There’s a world of adventures out there, just waiting to be discovered, and now I have two people who I can share these adventures with. My name is Sadie Horan- this is the story of my life, and I wish that it will never end.


~Author's Note~

I hope you all enjoyed this story! Irish This Will Never End was the sequel to Irish You Loved Me, which was my first ever story on Wattpad, and I can't believe that they're both done with! I had so much fun writing these stories, and I genuinely wish that you all loved reading them as much as I loved writing them. Thank you all for reading and accepting this story. All the votes, comments, and every little thing you guys did to show your support really made me love writing these stories- so thank you! Since I finished this story, now I can put all my energy into writing my new story, The Bakers Daughter, and I hope you guys will love that story as well! Once again, I just want to thank the fans- I never would have finished this if it hadn't been for all of you! I love you all so much! Oh god this sounds like a Grammy speech, but it's true- I just love you guys. Well, I guess that's it!

Love always, Sadie <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



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