Our Fight, Our End

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                “Hand me the boxes.”

                “Where should I put this?”

                “Is this even yours?”

                “Yes, it is.”

                “Oh, okay.”

                “Wait, what’s this?”

                Oh, the wonderful small talk that happens while moving into a new house is just fantastic, isn’t it?


                “… Sorry!” Harry yells from the kitchen after the loud shattering sound.

                I look at Niall and he sighs. “There goes our lamp…”

                “I’ll buy you a new one as a housewarming gift I promise!” Harry responds.

                I giggle and look around. There’s honestly not much left to do. A few boxes here, a couple there, but I think we can call it quits for tonight.

                “Who wants to take a break?” I call out to the entire house.

                A chorus of “me” fills up the hallways as everyone piles into the living room and plops down on the couch.

                “Celeb Gossip is on, turn on the TV.” Dalia smirks as she catapults herself onto the sofa.

                “All that show does is ruin the lives of celebrities.” Hannah sighs.

                “I know…” Dalia laughs as she turns on the TV to a story about Katy Perry and her new boyfriend.

                “It’s actually a really funny show. They always make fun of the best subjects.” Niall smiles as he pulls me into his lap.

                “In other news, we’re getting ready for many more stories about the teen heart-throb, Niall Horan, since his girlfriend of almost a year, Sadie Collins, has apparently been cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, Heath Livington.” The TV reporter says.

                All eyes shift onto me and Niall’s eyes widen as the pictures of me and Heath from both the coffee shop and the restaurant pop onto the screen.

                “Niall, trust me, it’s not what it looks li-”

                “Sh.” He forces me to be quiet as the announcer keeps talking.                                                                

                “Sadie and Heath have reportedly been seen together multiple times in the past couple of days, on what appear to be dates. The two of them are now running a column together in Seventeen Magazine. Is this the end of the well-loved couple?”

                Hannah turns off the TV and bites her lip. “Niall… Listen to her.”

                “You lied to me.” He mumbles under his breath.

                “I was afraid to tell you.” I answer.

                “Guys, let’s give them some privacy.” Liam sighs as he leads everyone out.

                The door closes behind them and I’m left all alone with Niall, who is starting to look angrier and angrier.

                “They weren’t dates.” I sigh.

                “Then why didn’t you tell me?! I would have understood!” He yells, at the top of his lungs. I didn’t think he would be this upset… His eyes are pricking with tears of frustration, too. Oh my God.

                “I didn’t tell you because I knew you wouldn’t be happy! I was planning on telling you soon, just when the time came!”

                “And when would that be? After you sleep with him or after you get back together with him?”

                “You did not just go there, Niall. Do you honestly think that I would do that? Do you not know me at all?”

                “I don’t know. I thought I knew you. I thought I could trust you- but I guess all you’ve been doing in your spare time is meet up with your ex.”

                I look at him, at a complete loss of words. “You know what. If this is how you’re acting on the first day of us living together, then maybe it’s best if I move out.”

                “The door is right there.” He points towards the exit. His actions have become more restricted, as if he is beginning to regret everything, yet doesn’t want to damage his own pride by taking any of it back.

                “You know what. Okay. But take this back, too, I don’t want it.” I yank the promise ring off my finger and throw it on the floor before walking towards the door. “Goodbye, Niall.”

                He remains silent up until the moment when I slam the door shut and run into my car, breaking down into tears as soon as I’m alone. Thank God for tinted windows.

                I dial the first number in my head as I start the car, driving away.


                “Hey, Heath. This is Sadie. Can I spend the night at your house, I don’t have anywhere to go tonight.”

                “Yeah, of course. Are you okay?”


                And I guess this is what first started all the drama that was about to come my way.

~~~author's note~~~

DAMN. Heath is the biggest cockblock in history of mankind, sorry not sorry. But, I aplogize for the ending, I know it leaves off at a suspenceful part(; Just stay tuned until next week to read the rest. What will happen to Niall, Sadie, and Heath? Dun dun DUNNN. GUYS, IRISH YOU LOVED ME HIT 10K READS. THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 So, as always, vote, read, comment, fan, add to your lists, and the whole shabam. I LOVE YOUUU ALLLL.

love always, ~Sadie xX

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