Chapter 1: A New Hope. Rebornt Pillar

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I was awoken by my alarm sounding, just like every morning, which told-

Yus: I didn't set my alarm?..

I looked at my side, seeing i was no longer in my house nor was a lying in my bed

Yus:"What's going on? Where am i-?"

Suddenly, a piercing pain came to my head as all the information from a short moment ago came back to my head, everything that had happened and why i'm here

Yus:"T-that girl, Nori..."

An image of the blade also appeared on my head

Yus:"That sword, where-?"

???:"Oh you're awake, morning creator!" I heard the voice of the same fox girl from before next to me

She was standing on a doorframe, looking at me with a patch on her cheek

???:"You must have a lot of questions, i'll answer them for you, so come with me" Said the girl doing a 'follow me' gesture

Not having any other choice, i followed behind her to a hallway with even more doors. We arrived to a living room, where some tea cups were placed over a little table

???:"What can i answer first? I'll listen to you" She said sitting down, me doing the same after her

Yus:"I'm confused...where am i? Who are you?"

???:"Welcome to the Headquarters of the Pillars of Eternity, HQPoE to abbreviate"


She nodded

???:"Us PoE make sure nothing is left in the multiverse, keeping the balance of our faction as we act like siblings, and we're called Pillars because we have the multiverse's fate on our hands"

I looked around. The place was really fancy and spacious, like a mansion

Yus:"Wait, 'we'? Where are the others?"

Her expression changed into a frown

???:"They all got corrupted...they're gone and will not come back..."

I grabbed my cup of tea and sipped it, not moving my gaze from her

???:"We're facing an incident that we called the Unwarned Corruption, this was made to end all Pillars of Eternity and put us at the command of one single being who we called the Pillar of Corruption, he was also our brother, the previous Pillar of Creation..."

Yus:"So Nori-..."

???:"Yoshika, or Nori as you know her, she's one of our siblings too but that guy, who was also our brother, took her and she'll probably be corrupted too"

I punched the table

Yus:"Curses! Wait- why am i here then? If this is a place for you deities then i shouldn't be here!" I said in confusion

???:"As i suspected, you're our new brother, the only one who can fight off corruption and wield the weapon of the other Pillar of Creation"

She grabbed a sword from behind her, handing it to me as i recognized it for it's blue and red colors

???:"We suspected our other brother was too weak to use this weapon properly, now i see why, your eye color is exactly the same as the blade"

I realized in an instant what she meant and dropped the sword

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